Rise up my Indonesia, Healthy my Country

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Important! Know the Right Type of Cancer Treatment Before Getting Treatment
Important! Know the Right Type of Cancer Treatment Before Getting Treatment – Cancer is one of the diseases with the highest death rate in the world. Until 2021, WHO data shows that around 20 million people suffer from cancer worldwide with a mortality rate of approximately 50%. In fact, many factors can cause cancer, such as […]
How to reduce diabetes without medication
How to reduce diabetes without medication – SEMARANG – Some time ago we commemorated World Diabetes Day with the theme of saving families from diabetes. According to a study by the International Diabetes Federation  (IDF), the number of people with diabetes in Indonesia is relatively high. Estimated to reach 8.5 million people. This disease attacks people […]
Watch out for gout symptoms, here's what you can do to overcome them
Watch out for gout symptoms, here’s what you can do to overcome them – Jakarta – Gout is a description of problems that occur in the waist in the form of pain. This disorder can occur as a result of symptoms of gout . When this happens, of course the activities being carried out can be disrupted. […]
This is an Effective Way to Reduce Minus Points
This is an Effective Way to Reduce Minus Points – There is a lot of information circulating in the community about how to reduce minus points. However, not all methods believed by the public are scientifically proven to be effective. So what are the proven safe and effective ways to deal with minus eyes or […]
What is Flu or Influenza?
Flu or influenza is a disease caused by a viral infection that can attack the nose, throat and lungs. This condition is very common in the transition season. This disease is very easily transmitted to other people, especially in the first 3-4 days after the sufferer is infected with the flu virus, Symptoms of flu […]
Kidney failure
What is Kidney Failure? Kidney failure is a condition where one or both kidneys can no longer function properly. Sometimes, kidney failure is temporary and can appear quickly. But on the other hand, kidney failure can also be a chronic condition that will get worse slowly over a long time. Therefore, kidney failure can be […]
Canker sores on the tongue, these are the causes and treatment
Canker sores on the tongue, these are the causes and treatment -Canker sores on the tongue are certainly very painful. The resulting pain often makes sufferers lose their appetite and feel uncomfortable when talking. However, you don’t need to worry because there are ways to treat canker sores on the tongue that you can do. […]
11 Ciri-ciri Penyakit Jantung Yang Harus Anda Waspadai
Penyakit jantung bisa menyerang siapa saja bahkan gejalanya kadang tidak jelas dan tidak selalu ditandai dengan nyeri dada lalu pingsan seperti di film-film. Penyakit jantung adalah kondisi saat jantung bermasalah atau mengalami gangguan sehingga tidak berfungsi. Penyakit jantung bermacam-macam jenisnya namun kebanyakan memiliki ciri-ciri yang hampir sama. Anda perlu memeriksakannya ke dokter untuk mengetahui lebih […]
Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early!
Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early! – Who says that as teenagers, Soba and Sosa don’t need to worry about heart disease? However, heart disease knows no age, in fact many teenagers can also be at risk of even developing heart disease, you know. Don’t wait until you are an […]
DON’T WANT TO GET PREGNANT YET? THESE ARE 6 FOODS TO PREVENT PREGNANCY – Every newly married couple definitely has a very passionate romance with each other. Both the wife and the husband have such a high level of love that it is impossible to have sexual intercourse. However, certain conditions do not necessarily make […]