Rise up my Indonesia, Healthy my Country

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DANGER OF DRUGS THROUGH THE EYES (NARCOLEMA) – The development of knowledge and technology has had a major influence on modern human civilization today. The progress of these various developments was then engineered by humans demonstratively in all aspects. The existence of new discoveries has had a big influence that is difficult for humans to […]
Lazy to Move, Be Careful of Being Attacked by These 7 Diseases
Lazy to Move, Be Careful of Being Attacked by These 7 Diseases – Jakarta – There are many diseases caused by laziness to move that you have to watch out for. Some of them can even be fatal or lead to long-term illness. The bad news is that people with a sedentary lifestyle are said to be […]
What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat?
What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat? – Meat is one of the best sources of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals for the body. However, quite a few people avoid consuming it because they think that a meat-free diet is healthier. However, what happens to your body if […]
Not Scraping, Here's How to Treat Sitting Winds
Not Scraping, Here’s How to Treat Sitting Winds – Jakarta – When you feel like you have a cold in your body, then there is a feeling of pressure in your chest, usually the first thing you do is scrape your body. In fact, the wind that you feel can be a warning and even […]
Consuming less fruit and vegetables, these are the impacts on the body
Consuming less fruit and vegetables, these are the impacts on the body – Jakarta – In a healthy diet, fruit and vegetables are two types of food that are definitely on the list. Of course, not without reason, because fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. So, what impact will it have […]
Get rid of acne scars, here are 6 effective methods
Get rid of acne scars, here are 6 effective methods – Getting rid of acne scars is not an easy matter. However, there is no need to worry because there are several types of treatments at beauty clinics that are effective in removing or disguising acne scars that interfere with your appearance. Acne scars can […]
4 Ways to Treat Low Blood Pressure Quickly
4 Ways to Treat Low Blood Pressure Quickly – Symptoms of low blood pressure can make the body feel weak and tired easily. But don’t worry, because there are ways to deal with low blood pressure quickly that you can do easily at home. You can overcome low blood pressure by taking  medication  and living a healthy […]
Here are 7 Ways to Treat Early Stage Kidney Disease
Here are 7 Ways to Treat Early Stage Kidney Disease – “The way to treat early stage kidney disease focuses on maintaining kidney health as best as possible by making lifestyle changes. For example, managing blood sugar levels, maintaining normal blood pressure, and maintaining a healthy diet for the kidneys.” Jakarta – Having kidney disease […]
How to Get Rid of Scars with Natural Ingredients
How to Get Rid of Scars with Natural Ingredients – “Natural ingredients such as aloe vera can speed up the wound healing process and help remove scars. This will also work if used in conjunction with other methods.” Jakarta – Most injuries are caused by daily activities which could be due to falling objects, scratched […]
Tips for Preventing Diabetes Mellitus
Tips for Preventing Diabetes Mellitus – Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease or chronic metabolic disorder with multiple etiologies which is characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied by disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism as a result of insulin function insufficiency. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and plays an important […]