
What is Lupus? Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by the body’s immune system working incorrectly. Under normal conditions, the immune system should protect the body from attacks by viral or bacterial infections. Meanwhile, in people with lupus, the immune system actually attacks the body’s own tissues and organs. Inflammation that occurs due to […]
What is Kidney Failure? Kidney failure is a condition where one or both kidneys can no longer function properly. Sometimes, kidney failure is temporary and can appear quickly. But on the other hand, kidney failure can also be a chronic condition that will get worse slowly over a long time. Therefore, kidney failure can be […]
There is no doubt about the dangers of smoking for body health. Various dangerous diseases can be caused by this bad habit. Not only active smokers, cigarettes are also dangerous for anyone who inhales the smoke or is a passive smoker. Every cigarette you smoke can increase your risk of developing various diseases, such as […]
What is Monkey Pox? Monkeypox (monkeypox) is a disease caused by viral infection from a group similar to smallpox. This disease has actually been discovered by scientists since 1958. Monkey pox is often found in Central and West African countries, but recently this disease has spread again in several countries outside Africa. Monkey pox is […]
Definition of Sinusitis Sinusitis is inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses or sinus walls. Sinuses are small air-filled cavities located in the bony structure of the face. This disorder can cause thin mucus to flow out of the nasal passages. Sinuses can become blocked because they are filled with fluid so bacteria […]
Heart disease is a condition when the heart experiences problems. Several types of heart disease, including: Coronary heart disease is a heart disease that occurs due to narrowing of the blood vessels in the heart. Ā Congenital heart disease is a heart problem found in infancy, the most common of which is heart valve leakage. Heart […]
Leprosy or leprosy is a chronic bacterial infection that attacks skin tissue, peripheral nerves and the respiratory tract. Leprosy or leprosy is also known as Hansen’s disease or Morbus Hansen. Leprosy or leprosy can be characterized by weakness or numbness in the legs and feet, followed by the appearance of lesions on the skin. This […]
Epilepsy is a brain disease that is often found, and is still a medical problem that is quite worrying for society. However, there are still many people who misunderstand this disease, which is also known as epilepsy. Among ordinary people, especially in developing countries, there is still a stigma regarding epilepsy, including that it is […]
Brain Abscess
A brain abscess is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when a collection of pus forms in the brain due to an infection. This can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or parasites and usually arises when an infection elsewhere in the body spreads to the brain. Understanding the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment […]
Anal Abscess
Anal Abscess – An anal abscess is a pus-filled lump that forms in the anus. This condition usually occurs due to a bacterial infection in the anal area. An anal abscess causes pain, especially when sitting or having a bowel movement. An anal abscess is usually characterized by a small, reddish lump in theĀ analĀ canal . […]