Important! Know the Right Type of Cancer Treatment Before Getting Treatment

Important! Know the Right Type of Cancer Treatment Before Getting Treatment

Important! Know the Right Type of Cancer Treatment Before Getting Treatment – Cancer is one of the diseases with the highest death rate in the world. Until 2021, WHO data shows that around 20 million people suffer from cancer worldwide with a mortality rate of approximately 50%.

In fact, many factors can cause cancer, such as heredity, viruses, and lifestyle. So if treated as early as possible it can increase the chances of a complete recovery. Plus, cancer treatments are now available and continue to be developed.

So, how to prevent and what are the types of treatment for cancer? Check out the brief explanation below!

How to Prevent Cancer?

According to the results of cancer research from WHO , there are at least around 30-50% of types of cancer that can be avoided. This requires that people avoid several things that can trigger cancer.

Here are several trigger factors that you can avoid to prevent cancer.

  • Do not smoke.
  • Maintain ideal body weight.
  • Eat healthy foods, including fruit and vegetables.
  • Do exercise regularly.
  • Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Get vaccinated against HPV and hepatitis B, if you are in the recommended vaccination group.
  • Avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, especially that produced by sunlight.
  • Regularly use sunscreen.
  • Ensure safe use of radiation and in accordance with health care procedures
  • Reduce exposure to air pollution, both outdoors and indoors.

Types of Cancer Treatment

Now, some cancers can be completely cured. However, there are many factors that influence it, such as the patient’s health condition, the severity of the cancer, the time the disease was detected, and choosing the right type of cancer treatment.

1. Operation

Surgery can be one way to treat cancer, depending on the type of disease. Before the cancer spreads widely and becomes more dangerous, surgery can be performed to remove cancer cells from your body.

There are various types of cancer treatment surgery, from surgery with a scalpel to surgery without incisions. For example, laser surgery to surgery uses liquid nitrogen to freeze tissue.

2. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that focuses on strengthening the immune system of cancer sufferers to fight the disease itself. This therapy uses a method of adding artificial immune cells or modifying the immune cells of cancer sufferers to increase immunity.

3. Radiation Therapy

This type of cancer treatment uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink the tumor. High doses of radiation aim to damage the DNA of cancer cells.

When cancer cell DNA is damaged, the cells will stop dividing or even die. The body will then get rid of the damaged or dead cells. However, this radiation therapy requires a relatively long time before the cancer cell DNA is completely damaged and dies. So this treatment is more recommended for early stage cancer sufferers.

4. Chemotherapy

This type of cancer treatment is probably the most commonly heard by the public. Chemotherapy is carried out by giving special drugs to patients, which aim to prevent cancer cells from spreading, slow their growth, and kill cancer cells.

Chemotherapy drugs are available in various types, ranging from drugs taken by mouth, applied to the skin, or given directly into a blood vessel. The doctor will determine the appropriate cancer treatment according to the patient’s condition.

Protect yourself and your family from the risk of cancer with insurance products at Prudential Syariah

Even though you can recover completely, it cannot be denied that cancer treatment requires a lot of money. In addition to saving for unexpected health costs, another option you can consider is having health insurance.

Prudential Syariah as one of the sharia-based health insurance managers in Indonesia presents the PRUCritical Condition Solution product which can provide benefits for you and your family from various risks of critical illness, including cancer.

For further information regarding sharia insurance from Prudential Syariah, please visit the Prudential Syariah web page . Find other interesting information about Prudential Syariah via Prudential Syariah’s official social media on Instagram and YouTube . Also contact the Prudential Syariah Customer Line at (021) 1500 577. Prudential Syariah is the leading sharia-based life insurance company in Indonesia. PT Prudential Sharia Life Assurance is trustworthy in managing participant funds in accordance with sharia principles and is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority.

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