How to reduce diabetes without medication

How to reduce diabetes without medication

How to reduce diabetes without medication – SEMARANG – Some time ago we commemorated World Diabetes Day with the theme of saving families from diabetes. According to a study by the International Diabetes Federation  (IDF), the number of people with diabetes in Indonesia is relatively high. Estimated to reach 8.5 million people. This disease attacks people aged 20-79 years. Based on their research, most sufferers are not aware of the presence of diabetes symptoms.

Some symptoms that can be recognized include urinating more frequently, frequently feeling hungry, headaches, and blurred vision. Lack of the hormone insulin and the body’s inability to control it is the main cause of diabetes.

So, what are the tips for dealing with diabetes? Brothers and sisters can use several types of plants to cure this disease. However, all of this needs to be supported by other methods. As a recommendation, here are 7 tips for lowering blood sugar levels naturally that are easy to implement.

1. Consuming Garlic to Lower Blood Sugar

If consumed regularly, garlic can lower blood sugar levels. The reason is, this tuber contains  sulfoxide . This content can increase insulin sensitivity and help cure infections.

Apart from that, garlic also contains  allicin  and  allyl propyl disulfide . Both substances can inhibit insulin withdrawal in the liver. So that blood sugar levels decrease quickly, garlic must be consumed directly. At a minimum, you can consume three cloves of garlic in one meal.

2. Control Carbohydrate Intake

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that are a source of calories for the body. Under normal conditions, carbohydrates function as an energy booster, building material, and maintain acid-base balance.

On the other hand, if consumed excessively, it can worsen diabetes. Carbohydrates are the main cause of diabetes. Reducing carbohydrate intake can be an effective way to reduce diabetes.

A study by scientists from Colombia University  and Boston Children’s Hospital  revealed that to lower blood sugar levels, carbohydrates must be eaten at the end of the meal session. For example, starting with eating vegetables and eggs, followed by consuming potatoes after 10 minutes.

3. Drink basil leaf concoction regularly

Laura Shane-Mcwhorter, author of the book  The American Diabetes Association: Guide to Herbs and Nutritional Supplements , revealed that basil leaves can increase insulin secretion. If you drink boiled water from the leaves regularly, blood sugar levels will decrease quickly.

4. Do exercise regularly

Exercise helps body cells be more sensitive to insulin. As sensitivity increases, blood sugar levels tend to decrease. Gradually, the symptoms of diabetes can be controlled.

The lightest exercise you can do is jogging. With thorough movement of the legs and arms, calories in the body are burned. Michelle May MD, author of the book  Eat What You Love,  exercising for 45 minutes can reduce blood sugar by up to 155 mg/dl.

5. Increase fruit and vegetable consumption

Eating more fruit and vegetables can help prevent diabetes. It is also able to increase insulin in the body. Some vegetables that you can consume include  cabbage, broccoli, beans and spinach .

Fruits can also treat diabetes naturally. For example,  dragon fruit ; The vitamin C content in it is very high. Therefore, it is able to increase the body’s endurance and reduce glucose levels.

7. Set a rest pattern

Try calculating, how many hours do you sleep in a day? For adults, you must rest for at least 8 hours per day. Even so, it is the quality of sleep that determines body health.

So, when your body feels very tired, close your eyes and rest your brain. Based on research by researchers from the University of Chicago  , most diabetes sufferers have poor sleep patterns. They tend to have difficulty controlling the disease.

This research proves that  sugar levels can increase by up to 23 percent  if you don’t get enough sleep. According to them, one way to sleep well is to reduce stress.

These are several ways to reduce diabetes naturally that can be applied at home. Hope it is useful!

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