Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early!

Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early!

Ways to Prevent Heart Disease That You Can Really Practice Early! – Who says that as teenagers, Soba and Sosa don’t need to worry about heart disease? However, heart disease knows no age, in fact many teenagers can also be at risk of even developing heart disease, you know. Don’t wait until you are an adult to take preventive measures, let’s find out how to prevent it from an early age by continuing to read this article.

Heart disease is a non-communicable disease (NCD), the same as diabetes, asthma and stroke. Currently, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronary heart disease (ischaemic heart disease) is the biggest cause of death in Indonesia. Many non-communicable diseases, including heart diseases, are triggered by unhealthy lifestyles, which Soba and Sosa must avoid.

What are the causes of heart disease?

1. Smoking habits
. People who smoke have a 2 to 4 times greater chance of developing coronary heart disease, and are at risk of developing other non-communicable diseases.

2. Lack of physical activity
. Exercise not only makes the body healthy and fit, but also helps control body weight, strengthens bones, and improves heart health. Soba and Sosa, don’t forget to do regular physical activity.

3. Unhealthy eating patterns
Unhealthy eating patterns can cause plaque which causes blockages in the blood vessels that supply food to the heart muscle. To avoid heart disease, Soba and Sosa must adopt a varied, balanced diet, low in salt, sugar and fat . Apart from that, eat more vegetables and fruit, because currently more than 95% of teenagers in Indonesia do not eat the recommended portions of fruit and vegetables. And don’t forget to avoid reducing fast food and packaged sweetened drinks.

4. Obesity
Obesity occurs due to the accumulation of excess fat due to an imbalance in energy intake that is not balanced with the energy expended. People who are overweight have a greater risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

The Role of Fruit and Vegetables in Preventing Heart Disease

Fruit and vegetables contain various types of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which are rich in benefits in maintaining healthy blood vessels and the heart.

Apart from that, fruit and vegetables also contain fiber which can help the body reduce the accumulation of fat (cholesterol). In the digestive tract, soluble fiber can bind bile salts (the end product of cholesterol) which are then excreted with feces from the body. So that bad cholesterol levels which play a role in heart disease can be reduced.

Soba & Sosa can start good habits by applying the Fill My Plate concept by consuming #CoolToEat fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals as much as half of the contents of your plate. Heart disease is a disease without symptoms that can happen to anyone regardless of age. Therefore, Soba & Sosa must be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle by diligently consuming #CoolEatable fruit and vegetables, not smoking, and diligently exercising. Soba & Sosa, let’s discover the various benefits of fruit and vegetables that can prevent heart disease on Instagram @KerenDimakan!

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