Watch out for gout symptoms, here’s what you can do to overcome them

Watch out for gout symptoms, here's what you can do to overcome them

Watch out for gout symptoms, here’s what you can do to overcome them – Jakarta – Gout is a description of problems that occur in the waist in the form of pain. This disorder can occur as a result of symptoms of gout . When this happens, of course the activities being carried out can be disrupted.

This waist problem can occur when lifting heavy weights or standing for a long time. To minimize gout, here are some tips you can do.

1. Use a cold compress

If the back pain due to gout is not too severe, apply a cold compress to the painful area. This method is considered effective for reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

To make it, wrap ice in a thin towel and apply it to the painful area for 20 minutes several times a day.

2. Rest the joints

Leave your body for a moment until the gout subsides. Don’t move too much to heal faster. If possible, elevate the joint on a pillow or other soft object, so the painful area relaxes more quickly.

3. Increase your water consumption

When someone doesn’t consume enough water, especially water, uric acid levels in the body can increase. So there is no other way you have to do other than making sure your body stays hydrated so that gout doesn’t recur easily, and gout can be avoided.

4. Pay attention to the food and drinks consumed

Foods that are high in purines can increase uric acid in the blood. Some of these foods include seafood, offal and fatty foods. For drinks, avoid those containing fructose and alcohol, especially beer.

Apart from that, there are several lifestyle patterns that need to be followed, so that gout caused by gout can be avoided.

5. Active in sports

For someone who has gout, make sure to stay active by exercising every day.

There are several sports you can do, one of which is walking. Try to do physical activity for approximately 30 minutes 3 times a week.

6. Maintain an ideal body weight

Someone who is overweight has a higher risk of gout recurrence. Because, the joints are more burdened in someone who is obese. Therefore, make sure to eat healthy food and not excessively, and do active exercise.

These are several ways you can prevent and treat gout symptoms. Make sure to implement everything mentioned, so that gout does not recur easily, and the symptoms can be avoided.

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