What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat?

What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat?

What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat? – Meat is one of the best sources of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals for the body. However, quite a few people avoid consuming it because they think that a meat-free diet is healthier. However, what happens to your body if you never eat meat?

The effects on the body if you never eat meat

Quoting Qi Sun, MD, an assistant professor of nutrition at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, following a vegetarian diet is actually not harmful to the body. A meat-free diet can even reduce the risk of a number of diseases.

However, there are nutritional contents that are only found in meat. Some of these nutrients include vitamin B12, creatinine, carnosine, taurine and heme iron.

Some plant-based products do have substitute nutrients, but not enough to meet your needs.

Side effects from never eating meat usually arise when you have a severe lack of intake of a certain type of nutrient. Some of the impacts that occur on the body include:

1. Lack of protein

Plant-based foods such as nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and gluten- based meats are actually good sources of protein.

However, you have to consume it in the right amount so that your body doesn’t lack protein.  Even mild levels of protein deficiency can cause a number of health problems.

For example, muscles become weak, blood pressure and heart rate decrease, anemia, liver problems, and impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals.

2. Hair loss

Apart from lacking protein, people who never eat meat are also at risk of experiencing deficiencies in iron, vitamin B and zinc.

All these nutrients are important for hair growth. Lack of intake can cause hair loss.

Iron is actually available in green leafy vegetables and dried beans. Unfortunately, the absorption of iron from vegetable sources is more difficult than from meat.

That is why people on a vegan diet usually need iron supplements.

3. Reduced bone density

If you never eat meat, your bones may not get enough of the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain their density.

In fact, your bones are also at risk of decreasing density as you age.

A study found that vegetarian dieters had 4% lower bone density than people who consumed meat.

Vegan dieters even have waist bone density that is 6% lower than it should be.

4. Lack of energy

The energy in meat comes from protein and fat. Eating meat will give you the energy needed to carry out activities and carry out bodily functions. Apart from that, you also feel full more easily after eating meat.

On the other hand, vegetables are foodstuffs with little energy content. To prevent your body from lacking energy, you must eat lots of vegetables and plant foods that can contribute energy.

5. Vitamin B12 deficiency

The body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells and maintain the nervous system. People who never eat meat are at risk of experiencing vitamin B12 deficiency because this vitamin can only be obtained through food and supplements.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, balance problems, numbness and a tingling sensation in the extremities. You are also more at risk of developing anemia if you are deficient in this vitamin.

A meatless diet will leave you deficient in several important nutrients. As a result, your body can experience health problems accompanied by an increased risk of a number of diseases.

However, a vegetarian or vegan diet is not necessarily dangerous for your health as long as you are able to meet your nutritional needs from supplements.

Don’t forget, you also have to check yourself regularly to detect deficiencies in certain nutrients.

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