Lazy to Move, Be Careful of Being Attacked by These 7 Diseases

Lazy to Move, Be Careful of Being Attacked by These 7 Diseases

Lazy to Move, Be Careful of Being Attacked by These 7 Diseases – Jakarta – There are many diseases caused by laziness to move that you have to watch out for. Some of them can even be fatal or lead to long-term illness. The bad news is that people with a sedentary lifestyle are said to be more susceptible to disease due to laziness. People with this lifestyle prefer to stay quiet and may not do any physical activity at all.

The habit of being lazy can have an impact on almost all parts of the body, including muscles, bones and joints. The body’s various senses will also become lazy and end up at risk of decreased function. If that’s the case, the risk of disease appearing will be greater. So, what diseases can arise as a result of this habit?

Various Diseases Due to Being Lazy

Being lazy about moving is a habit that should be stopped. Because, this can increase the risk of developing various types of diseases, such as:

  • Difficult to defecate

Difficulty defecating, aka constipation, can be a type of disease caused by being lazy about moving. Because, when the body is passive or doesn’t move much, the organs within it also become inactive. Including the intestines and other digestive organs. Well, this causes the intestines to not work optimally and leads to constipation.

  • Knee pain

Not moving for a long time can actually affect the condition of the joints, one of which is the knees. This condition can arise due to the joints often locking up when the body does not move much.

  • Respiratory disorders

Do you often feel suddenly short of breath or out of breath? It could be a sign that the body is not moving enough. This is thought to occur because the muscles responsible for pumping air into the lungs are affected due to laziness in moving. When not moving and not trained, these muscles will weaken and trigger the sensation of being out of breath.

  • Obesity

The next disease caused by laziness to move is obesity, aka being overweight. This can happen because a small number of calories are burned because the body rarely moves. The condition can get worse if you are lazy to move along with the habit of overeating.

  • Cardiovascular Disease

In severe conditions, lazy movement habits can also have an impact on cardiovascular health. This is said to increase the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart attacks.

  • Easy to Stress

Apart from physical disorders, being lazy about moving can also trigger psychological problems. This habit is said to make someone easily stressed and susceptible to experiencing mood swings , aka changes in mood that occur quickly.

  • Dull skin

Do you have a habit of being lazy about moving and just want to lie down ? Be careful, dull skin is lurking. Apart from physical and mental illnesses, this habit can also make your skin dull and lose its glow. This is thought to arise because there are metabolic and immune disorders that arise due to laziness in moving.

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