Consuming less fruit and vegetables, these are the impacts on the body

Consuming less fruit and vegetables, these are the impacts on the body

Consuming less fruit and vegetables, these are the impacts on the body – Jakarta – In a healthy diet, fruit and vegetables are two types of food that are definitely on the list. Of course, not without reason, because fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. So, what impact will it have on the body if you don’t consume enough fruit and vegetables?

Impact of Less Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables

A diet that includes fruit and vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and improve digestive health. So, can you imagine, what are the impacts if you don’t consume enough fruit and vegetables?

Short-term impacts may include frequent digestive disorders, such as constipation, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. However, in the long term, it can also increase the risk of anemia, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Especially if you don’t adopt another healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise.

In a study by researchers from Harvard University, which was reported on the Medical News Today page , it was revealed that a diet containing lots of fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke .

After analyzing those results and combining them with findings from other studies, researchers estimated that the risk of heart disease was 20 percent lower among individuals who ate more than five servings of fruit and vegetables per day, compared with those who ate less than three servings per day.

Recent research by the American Society for Nutrition in Baltimore, reported in the journal Nutrition in 2019, shows that low fruit intake can cause 1 in 7 deaths from heart disease, and low vegetable intake can cause 1 in 12 deaths from heart disease.

How Much Fruit and Vegetables Should You Eat Every Day?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating 5 portions of vegetables and fruit per day, or a minimum of 400 grams per day. The goal is to meet the body’s nutritional needs and reduce the risk of serious diseases, such as heart disease, stroke , type 2 diabetes, obesity and several types of cancer.

Keep in mind that five servings per day is the minimum. So, the more you eat fruit and vegetables, the better. Of course, with a variety of other healthy foods, yes.

Even though it seems difficult to consume five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, there are many ways you can try. Here are tips for including fruit and vegetables in your daily diet:

  • Add slices of apple, banana, strawberry, kiwi, or other fruit, to your bowl of breakfast cereal every morning. As a variation, you can make yoghurt with added fruit or fruit salad every morning for breakfast.
  • For lunch and dinner, have at least one or two servings of different vegetables. This method helps you lose weight because the fiber contained in vegetables makes you feel full longer.
  • Use fruit as a snack or snack when you feel hungry between main meals.
  • If you make fruit juice, there’s no harm in adding vegetables to it, so that the nutrients contained in the juice are more complete.

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