Not Scraping, Here’s How to Treat Sitting Winds

Not Scraping, Here's How to Treat Sitting Winds

Not Scraping, Here’s How to Treat Sitting Winds – Jakarta – When you feel like you have a cold in your body, then there is a feeling of pressure in your chest, usually the first thing you do is scrape your body. In fact, the wind that you feel can be a warning and even a symptom of a heart attack.

Not all symptoms of colds can be treated by scraping the body. Especially if it is accompanied by chest pain. This could happen because there is not enough blood flowing to the heart. This is a symptom of heart disease, and it occurs when something blocks an artery or there is a decrease in blood flow in the arteries that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

Sitting winds usually disappear quickly. However, it can be a symptom of a life-threatening heart problem. Discuss with your doctor if you have it. It’s important to know what’s going on and talk about what you can do to avoid a heart attack.

There are many things you can do to stop it. Usually, medication and lifestyle changes can control it. If it’s more severe, you may need surgery too. Additionally, you may need what’s called a stent , which is a small tube that holds the artery open.

It’s a good idea for you to know the intensity of chest pain, which could be a sign that what’s happening to you isn’t just an ordinary cold. Here are the signs or symptoms:

Chest pain is a symptom, but it affects people differently. You might feel:

  • pain
  • Hot or burning sensation
  • Uncomfortable feeling in the chest
  • Chest feels full
  • Chest feels heavy
  • There is a sensation of pressure or squeezing on the chest

Then, another characteristic is that you may have pain behind the breastbone, then spread to the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, even back.

Appropriate Treatment

How to treat angina depends on how much damage there is to your heart. For people with mild wind, changes in medications and lifestyle can often help improve blood flow and control symptoms.

Doctors may very well prescribe medication to:

  • Expands blood vessels, by allowing more blood to flow to the heart
  • Slows down the work of the heart, so it doesn’t have to work as hard
  • Relaxes the work of blood vessels so that more blood flows to the heart and prevents blood clots

If medication is not enough, you may have to close the artery opened by a medical or surgical procedure. This may include angioplasty / stenting where the doctor threads a small tube, with a balloon inside, through a blood vessel, and up to the heart. Then, inflate the balloon inside the narrowed artery to widen it and restore blood flow.

A small tube called a stent may be left in the artery to help keep it open. Stents are usually permanent and made of metal. It can also be made from ingredients that the body absorbs over time. Some stents have medication that helps keep the artery from becoming blocked again.

If you want to know more about how to treat angina, you can ask Halodoc directly . Doctors who are experts in their field will try to provide the best solution for you. To do this, simply download the Halodoc application via Google Play or the App Store. Through the Contact Doctor feature , you can choose to chat via Video/Voice Call or Chat .

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