DANGER OF DRUGS THROUGH THE EYES (NARCOLEMA) – The development of knowledge and technology has had a major influence on modern human civilization today. The progress of these various developments was then engineered by humans demonstratively in all aspects. The existence of new discoveries has had a big influence that is difficult for humans to control, and the fact that these discoveries have become principles that govern humans has also emerged. On the other hand, the process of modernization is a brilliant achievement achieved by humans in the field of technology and also gives rise to various social pathologies that have no end. So then the face of modernization seems very paradoxical, like two sides of a coin that are difficult to choose but have to accept both.

When modernity shows off progress and promises prosperity, it also brings bankruptcy and feelings of anxiety about misery, which at first was conveyed peacefully with a message of love, but sometimes – even often – accompanied by hatred, destruction, misery and other forms of barbarism. The most relevant example is narcolemma (Drugs Through the Eyes) which to this day is still circulating in the virtual world.

As is known, narcolemma is something that has a negative connotation towards an individual. Such as pornography. Pornography can make someone addicted, because someone who consumes pornography will be compelled to consume pornography over and over again after watching it for the first time. From a neuroscience perspective, if this condition is not immediately addressed, it can damage the function of the front part of the human brain, namely the pre-frontal cortex. Narcolemma (Drugs Through the Eyes) itself is pornography viewed by someone which has the same addictive and destructive effects as on narcotics users. The damage experienced due to pornography addiction is damage to the front part of the brain (pre frontal cortex/ PFC). The Pre Frontal Cortex functions as a center for consideration and decision making and shapes a person’s personality.

According to data reported by Kompas, of the 100 large sites in Indonesia, 7 percent consist of pornography. In fact, according to a survey, almost 57 percent of respondents have searched for pornographic content. This shows that pornography is something that can damage oneself as a human and as a social creature. So it is appropriate that pornography is a type of drug through the eyes whose effects are very dangerous for humans. Neither religion nor any belief prohibits any human being from being close to pornography and taking pro-action against it. Because many of us find that sexual crimes start from feeling addicted to what they see on social media.

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