Tag: Stroke

5 Steps to Increase Body Immunity
5 Steps to Increase Body Immunity – Jakarta – The body’s immunity is like a “defense fortress” that needs to be kept strong and maintained, if you want to avoid the threat of disease. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has not shown any signs of ending and we must adapt to doing activities as usual while […]
Need to Know, 3 Ways to Prevent Anemia in Millennials
Need to Know, 3 Ways to Prevent Anemia in Millennials – Jakarta – A decrease in the number of red blood cells below normal is a sign of anemia. Well, anemia itself can be experienced by anyone, from children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly. A person who suffers from anemia usually looks pale, weak and tired . […]
Be alert, here are 7 dangers of the habit of consuming sweet drinks
Be alert, here are 7 dangers of the habit of consuming sweet drinks – “Be careful, the habit of drinking modern drinks that are high in sugar can be dangerous for your health. “The reason is, these unhealthy drinks can increase various health risks, from being overweight to tooth decay.” Jakarta – Nowadays, various contemporary […]
Not Scraping, Here's How to Treat Sitting Winds
Not Scraping, Here’s How to Treat Sitting Winds – Jakarta – When you feel like you have a cold in your body, then there is a feeling of pressure in your chest, usually the first thing you do is scrape your body. In fact, the wind that you feel can be a warning and even […]
Find out how to reduce stomach acid without medication
Find out how to reduce stomach acid without medication – “Ways to reduce stomach acid or GERD NANA4D can also be done without medication, such as by eating fibrous foods, avoiding foods that trigger reflux, eating slowly, and adjusting eating habits. Jakarta – When symptoms of stomach acid recur, antacids are the medicine that people […]
Know How to Treat Cavity Tooth Pain
Know How to Treat Cavity Tooth Pain – Jakarta – The problem of cavities doesn’t just happen to children. In fact, this complaint is also experienced by all groups, from children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly. Don’t mess with cavities, because this problem can cause pain or toothache that may be unbearable. Apart from that, […]
5 Prevention of Uterine Cancer that You Need to Understand
5 Prevention of Uterine Cancer that You Need to Understand – Jakarta – The uterus is lined by a special tissue called the endometrium. When the uterus becomes cancerous and grows in the endometrial lining, it is also called endometrial cancer. Please note, some uterine cancer is endometrial cancer. If uterine cancer is not treated, […]
Eating too much salt, this is the result
Eating too much salt, this is the result – Jakarta – Food without salt will taste bland and less delicious. That’s why many people like to add salt to increase the deliciousness of the food they eat. Apart from being a flavor enhancer, salt also contains sodium which has an important role for human health. […]