Need to Know, 3 Ways to Prevent Anemia in Millennials

Need to Know, 3 Ways to Prevent Anemia in Millennials

Need to Know, 3 Ways to Prevent Anemia in Millennials – Jakarta – A decrease in the number of red blood cells below normal is a sign of anemia. Well, anemia itself can be experienced by anyone, from children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly. A person who suffers from anemia usually looks pale, weak and tired . Anemia is often caused by a lack of iron intake. However, in women who have entered puberty, they are also susceptible to experiencing anemia during menstruation .

Menstruation causes the loss of a lot of red blood cells from the body, especially if the period lasts long enough and a lot of blood is released. Not only that, millennial children tend to do more busy activities. This could be a factor that triggers anemia. However, there is no need to worry, most causes of anemia can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle.

How to Prevent Anemia in Millennials

Anemia is easy to prevent with a healthy diet. The following are ways you can prevent anemia:

1. Eat more foods that contain iron

Iron is a substance that plays a role in the formation of hemoglobin. If you want to prevent anemia, you should increase your consumption of foods rich in iron, such as:

  • Lean meat, poultry, and fish.
  • Iron-fortified cereals, breads, and pastas.
  • Dried fruits, such as apricots, raisins, and prunes.
  • Green vegetables, such as spinach and kale.
  • Whole grains, such as brown rice.
  • Legumes, such as peas.
  • Counts.

2. Take Iron Supplements

Apart from consuming foods rich in iron, iron and B12 deficiency anemia can also be treated by taking iron supplements. You can take iron supplements between meals, for example between breakfast and lunch, or mid-afternoon, namely between lunch and dinner. The reason is that iron is best absorbed when given between meals.

To get maximum benefits, you may need to consume foods rich in vitamin C. This is because vitamin C can help the body absorb iron better. Meanwhile, calcium is a substance that can inhibit the absorption of iron. So, you should avoid consuming food or calcium supplements at the same time as iron supplements.

You can get vitamin C from fruits, vegetables and orange juice. Apart from avoiding calcium, also avoid consuming too much iron supplements beyond the recommended limits because it can be dangerous for your health.

3. Blood Booster Supplements

Blood-boosting supplements may be more intended for women who are prone to anemia during menstruation. If you are one of them, you can prevent iron deficiency anemia by taking iron multivitamins or blood enhancers. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iron is 8 milligrams per day for women aged 9–13 years, and 15 milligrams per day for women aged 14–18 years.

Those are the three most effective ways to prevent anemia that you can try. Before deciding to take supplements, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor first via the application to find out the safe dosage amount. No need to bother going to the hospital, you can contact a doctor anytime and anywhere via Chat or Voice/Video Call.

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