Find out how to reduce stomach acid without medication

Find out how to reduce stomach acid without medication

Find out how to reduce stomach acid without medication – “Ways to reduce stomach acid or GERD NANA4D can also be done without medication, such as by eating fibrous foods, avoiding foods that trigger reflux, eating slowly, and adjusting eating habits.

Jakarta – When symptoms of stomach acid recur, antacids are the medicine that people often look for. Antacids are effective enough to quickly relieve stomach acid or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

In more severe cases of GERD, you may need prescription medication to prevent damage to the esophagus. Even so, there are several home remedies you can try to reduce stomach acid.

Want to know anything? Here’s the review!

How to Relieve GERD Without Medication

So , here are simple tips that will help relieve GERD or stomach acid disease :

  • Avoid foods that trigger reflux. Avoid certain foods that trigger heartburn, such as caffeine, soda, chocolate, citrus fruit and juice, tomatoes, onions, mint, and high-fat foods.
  • Eat more fiber. Fiber helps the digestive tract work smoothly and healthily.
  • Set meal portions. Avoid eating large portions at once. Try eating five or six small meals a day. Also read more about Healthy Eating Patterns for GERD Sufferers .
  • Do not eat before bed. The habit of eating before bed is often the cause of increased stomach acid or GERD. Stop eating at least two or three hours before bed so your stomach has a chance to empty before you lie down.
    Eat slowly. Do not eat in a hurry, eat slowly.
  • Do not smoke. Because smoking can reduce the effectiveness of the muscles that keep acid in the stomach. So, stop smoking if you don’t want GERD to recur.
  • Wear loose clothing. Tight clothes put extra pressure on the stomach.
  • Raise your head. Stack several pillows under the bed so that the head is about 6 inches higher.

If the methods above are not effective enough, then immediately ask a doctor to get the right treatment. Apart from that, you can also take stomach acid medication as in this article:

Here are 7 recommendations for effective stomach acid medication at the pharmacy .
Take note, here are 5 ways to deal with stomach acid quickly .

To get other appropriate treatment for GERD, you can consult a trusted Halodoc doctor✔️ regarding efforts you can take to reduce stomach acid without medication.

Convey complaints about the condition you are experiencing so that the doctor can provide appropriate treatment recommendations.

Causes of Stomach Acid

The process of stomach acid begins when a certain amount of stomach acid flows into the esophagus.

The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, a strong acid that helps break down food and protects against pathogens such as bacteria.

The stomach lining is specially adapted to protect it from strong acids. Unfortunately, the esophagus does not have this special lining so it is sensitive to acid.

A ring of muscle called the gastroesophageal sphincter acts as a valve that allows food to enter the stomach and not back into the esophagus.

When the valve is flexible, stomach contents can regurgitate through the esophagus and heartburn occurs.

You can take several recommended heartburn medicines to help overcome the symptoms: Here are 5 recommendations for effective heartburn medicines at the pharmacy .

If you still need antacids, you can buy them at the Halodoc Health Shop.

No need to bother going out of the house and queuing at the pharmacy, just order and your order will be delivered in approximately one hour.

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