Recognize the long-term side effects of sleeping pills

Recognize the long-term side effects of sleeping pills

Recognize the long-term side effects of sleeping pills – Taking sleeping pills is considered the most effective way to treat sleep problems such as insomnia. Unfortunately, not many people understand the dangers of taking sleeping pills. So that you don’t get confused, Bumame will explain what the risks are and how to take sleeping pills safely below.

Short Term Side Effects of Sleeping Pills for Health

The benefits of sleeping pills can make you sleep more soundly. However, according to a study , there are several short-term effects that usually appear after taking sleeping pills, namely:

  • Burning or tingling sensation in the hands, arms, legs, or feet
  • Changes in appetite
  • Experiencing constipation or diarrhea
  • Sleepy during the day
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Difficulty paying attention or remembering things
  • Stomach ache and nausea
  • Balance disorders
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Strange dreams or nightmares while sleeping

More Serious Side Effects Due to Sleeping Pills

Some of the side effects of taking the sleeping pills above are quite mild. In serious conditions, there are other side effects that are more serious and dangerous if left untreated. Here are some of the quite severe effects of sleeping pills:

1. Dependency

Most sleeping pills are designed for short-term consumption. If used long term, the potential for dependency can increase. Dependence on sleeping pills can cause side effects such as impaired motor coordination, vertigo and the inability to focus or remember things.

Someone who is dependent on sleeping pills becomes worried that they will not be able to sleep without the medicine. A combination of sleeping pills and alcohol is often done to overcome this anxiety. The combination of the two is very dangerous, because breathing can slow down to the point that it can cause death while asleep.

2. Parasomnias

Parasomnias describe a number of unusual behaviors that people experience while sleeping, such as walking or wetting the bed while sleeping. This behavior can occur due to an increase in the dose of the drug. So, take sleeping pills according to the doctor’s prescription or applicable regulations.

3. Allergies

The next side effect of sleeping pills is allergies for some people. Signs of an allergic reaction that may occur after taking sleeping pills include:

  • Rash or itching on the skin
  • Shortness of breath or feeling of suffocation
  • Experiencing diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
  • Headache

If you experience any of these signs after taking sleeping pills, contact your doctor immediately. Do not take sleeping pills again if you have experienced an allergic reaction to them.

How to Stop Addiction to Sleeping Pills?

Sleeping medicine dependency is a condition where a person needs sleeping medicine to sleep soundly or feels uncomfortable or unable to sleep without the medicine. This can happen because someone is too dependent on sleeping pills and uses them too often.

You can try to apply the following things if you are addicted to sleeping pills:

  • Discuss this problem with your doctor. The doctor will provide advice and assistance to reduce or stop using sleeping pills.
  • Try to sleep well without sleeping pills. You can try relaxing before bed or reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption.
  • Ask family or close friends for help in organizing a sleep routine and providing moral support.
  • Try therapy. Therapy can help manage stress or emotional problems that may be causing you difficulty sleeping.
  • Do not stop using sleeping pills suddenly. This can cause uncomfortable side effects. It’s best to talk to your doctor to manage discontinuation of sleeping pills without causing uncomfortable effects.

How to Take Sleeping Pills Safely?

If you look at the risks and side effects above, you must be wondering whether sleeping pills are dangerous or not. The answer is, sleeping pills are not dangerous as long as they are consumed in a safe manner and according to the prescription or dosage.

Here are some tips for taking sleeping pills safely:

  1. Read and follow the instructions on the medicine packaging. Make sure you know the right dosage according to your age, weight and current health condition.
  2. Do not take sleeping pills with alcohol or other drugs. The combination of sleeping pills with alcohol or other drugs can increase the risk of side effects and cause drug interactions.
  3. Do not take more than the recommended dose of sleeping medication. Overdose on sleeping pills can increase the risk of side effects and overdose.
  4. Don’t take sleeping pills too often. Sleeping pills should not be used continuously for long periods of time, because they can cause addiction and dependence.
  5. Do not take sleeping pills if you are driving or doing activities that require a high level of concentration. Sleeping pills can reduce reaction ability and concentration, thereby increasing the risk of accidents.
  6. Tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, including over-the-counter medicines, supplements, and herbal medicines when consulting about difficulty sleeping. This method is useful for preventing unwanted drug interactions.
  7. If you have a history of heart, liver or kidney disease, or experience abnormal side effects after taking sleeping pills, consult a doctor immediately.

If you really understand the side effects of sleeping pills, it is hoped that you will be wiser in using them. Because sleeping pills are not designed for long-term use. Now, Bumame Pharmacy is here to make it easier for you to get medicines or multivitamins as needed, you know! Enjoy free shipping throughout Jadetabek. So, you don’t need to bother leaving the house.

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