What are the causes of stroke? This is the answer

What are the causes of stroke? This is the answer

What are the causes of stroke? This is the answer – Jakarta – From the past until now, stroke has been one of the most feared diseases. This disease occurs when brain tissue does not function properly and blood flow and oxygen to it is lacking. Until now, it is known that there are at least 9 things that can cause and increase the risk of stroke. Among them:

1. High Blood Pressure

The most common cause of stroke is high blood pressure, or in the medical world it is called hypertension. You should be aware of the threat of stroke if you have blood pressure more than 140/90.

2. Smoking habit

Having a smoking habit can increase the risk of having a stroke. The reason is, the nicotine contained in cigarettes can increase blood pressure (the most common cause of stroke). In addition, cigarette smoke can also cause fat in the main neck arteries to build up, blood becomes thicker, and more susceptible to clotting. Those who are often exposed to cigarette smoke also need to be aware of the dangers of smoking, you know.

3. Suffering from heart disease

Heart disease and stroke can be said to have a close relationship. The reason is, people who suffer from this disease are more susceptible to stroke than those who don’t. This cannot be separated from the very vital function of the heart, namely pumping blood throughout the body. The various heart disorders referred to in this case include atrial fibrillation, heart valve damage, irregular heartbeat, and blocked arteries due to fat deposits.

4. Genetic

This factor has quite an influence on a person’s risk of stroke. This means that if you have a family member with a history of stroke, your risk of experiencing a similar condition will increase. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself and your family with regular health checks.

To make it easier, you can order the health examination services you need on the Halodoc application , you know. Just specify the time you want, the lab staff will come to your place.

5. Obesity

If obesity is said to cause stroke, the answer is of course yes. This is reinforced by the statement contained in the Obesity and Stroke Fact Sheet from the Obesity Action Coalition , which explains that the chance of having a stroke can increase in people who are overweight, regardless of men or women. In addition, obesity is also a risk factor for hypertension, which if not managed properly can cause stroke.

6. Uncontrolled High Cholesterol

Cholesterol levels that are too high will form a layer on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood vessels become narrow, making it difficult for blood cells to flow throughout the body. If blood flow is obstructed, the risk of dangerous diseases such as stroke increases.

7. Suffering from Diabetes

Diabetes can be said to be an indirect cause of stroke. This is because people who suffer from this disease are usually more susceptible to high blood pressure and tend to be obese. Both conditions can increase the risk of stroke. Moreover, diabetes can damage blood vessels, making strokes more likely to occur.

8. Age

Although not the main determining factor (because anyone can have a stroke), age can actually increase the risk. In general, a person’s chance of having a stroke increases with age, especially after being over 55 years old.

9. Gender

At the same age, when compared, women have a smaller risk than men of having a stroke. However, that doesn’t mean women are free from the risk of stroke, you know. Remembering that this disease can attack anyone, without discrimination. However, the possibility of stroke in women only increases when they reach old age.

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