Category: Mental health

Be alert, here are 7 dangers of the habit of consuming sweet drinks
Be alert, here are 7 dangers of the habit of consuming sweet drinks – “Be careful, the habit of drinking modern drinks that are high in sugar can be dangerous for your health. “The reason is, these unhealthy drinks can increase various health risks, from being overweight to tooth decay.” Jakarta – Nowadays, various contemporary […]
Get rid of acne scars, here are 6 effective methods
Get rid of acne scars, here are 6 effective methods – Getting rid of acne scars is not an easy matter. However, there is no need to worry because there are several types of treatments at beauty clinics that are effective in removing or disguising acne scars that interfere with your appearance. Acne scars can […]
How to reduce diabetes without medication – SEMARANG – Some time ago we commemorated World Diabetes Day with the theme of saving families from diabetes. According to a study by the International Diabetes Federation  (IDF), the number of people with diabetes in Indonesia is relatively high. Estimated to reach 8.5 million people. This disease attacks people […]
What are the causes of stroke? This is the answer
What are the causes of stroke? This is the answer – Jakarta – From the past until now, stroke has been one of the most feared diseases. This disease occurs when brain tissue does not function properly and blood flow and oxygen to it is lacking. Until now, it is known that there are at least 9 […]
Canker sores on the tongue, these are the causes and treatment
Canker sores on the tongue, these are the causes and treatment -Canker sores on the tongue are certainly very painful. The resulting pain often makes sufferers lose their appetite and feel uncomfortable when talking. However, you don’t need to worry because there are ways to treat canker sores on the tongue that you can do. […]
Lifestyle to Prevent Swollen Lymph Nodes
Lifestyle to Prevent Swollen Lymph Nodes – Jakarta – When facing an infection or disease, the lymph nodes accumulate debris, such as bacteria and dead or diseased cells. Swollen lymph nodes can actually be prevented with a certain lifestyle. One way to prevent lymph nodes is to regularly clean your teeth, gums and mouth. Lymph nodes store […]
What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat?
What will be the impact on the body if you never eat meat? – Meat is one of the best sources of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals for the body. However, quite a few people avoid consuming it because they think that a meat-free diet is healthier. However, what happens to your body if […]
Mostly Drink Water, Know the Signs and Impact on Health
Mostly Drink Water, Know the Signs and Impact on Health – Drinking water does have many benefits, but drinking too much water actually has a bad impact on your health. To prevent this from happening, consume water according to your body’s needs. Water is the main component in the body. About 50–70% of the body […]
The Right Way to Treat a Painful Tailbone
The Right Way to Treat a Painful Tailbone – Jakarta – Tailbone pain or coccydynia is pain in and around the small triangular bone, at the very bottom of the spine. Precisely above the buttocks crack. Painful coccyx can be caused by trauma from a fall, prolonged sitting on a hard or narrow surface, degenerative […]
What is Measles? Measles is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection. This disease is characterized by skin rashes all over the body and flu-like symptoms. Measles is caused by a virus that can be transmitted from saliva splashes. Generally symptoms appear about one to two weeks after the body is exposed to the virus. This […]