Various Effects That Emerge from Drug Use

Various Effects That Emerge from Drug Use

Narcotics, which stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics and other dangerous addictive substances, are materials/substances which, if entered into the human body, either orally/drinking, inhaling, or injecting, can change a person’s thoughts, mood or feelings, and behavior. Drugs have very strong addictive power, tolerance power and habitual power, which causes drug users to be unable to escape their dependence on drugs.

The dangers of drugs are not only the behavior and psychological condition of the user. Drugs can also harm the body’s health in general, and even cause permanent disorders in various body organs.

Starting from curiosity and momentary pleasure, many drug users are caught in the trap of these illegal drugs. Over time, this addiction can damage the mental and physical health or even personal safety of drug users.

Therefore, it is important for everyone to know the dangers of drugs, so that they are not tempted to try or even use them.

Various Effects That Emerge from Drug Use

After use or consumption, drugs will dissolve and flow through the blood throughout the body, including the brain. Drug users will experience various effects, depending on the type , dose and duration of use of the dangerous substance.

The following are some of the effects caused by drug use:

Stimulant effect

Several types of drugs can speed up the work of the heart and brain, for example methamphetamine (shabu-shabu), cocaine , and amphetamines .

As a result, the effects of this dangerous drug make users feel as if they have extra energy, feel stronger and more active, and don’t get tired easily, especially when doing activities or heavy physical exertion.

Hallucinogenic effect

Hallucinations are an effect caused by most types of drugs, including marijuana , ecstasy , and LSD .

The danger of this drug is that it makes the user seem to see something or an object that actually does not exist or is not real. This is why drugs are sometimes also called psychedelic drugs .

Depressant effect

Some types of drugs, such as heroin and marijuana, work by depressing the central nervous system and reducing the body’s functional activities. This creates dangers for drug users, such as feeling more relaxed, sleepy, slowed breathing, decreased blood pressure, and weakened heart rate.

Risks and Dangers of Drugs for Body Health

The various effects resulting from drug use are closely related to the risk of health problems for the user. The following are some health risks that can arise:

1. Disorders of brain function

Drugs can affect thinking abilities, reduce memory and concentration, and make it difficult for sufferers to make the right decisions.

This is because using drugs in the long term can trigger changes in nerve cells in the brain. The danger of this drug is that it will cause disruption to the part of the brain that controls thinking and communication abilities.

2. Confused and lost memory

The next danger of drugs comes from the various substances they contain, such as gamma-hydroxybutyrate and rohypnol , which can cause confusion and memory loss . Drug users can even experience impaired coordination of body movements and decreased consciousness.

3. Hallucinations

Using marijuana or marijuana can cause side effects in the form of hallucinations, increased blood pressure and pulse, and paranoia . Apart from that, marijuana can also cause mental disorders in the form of depression and anxiety disorders.

4. Addiction

Almost all types of drugs, especially methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine, cause addiction in their users.

The dangers of these drugs will make users always want to use these drugs and become dependent . This means drug users need a higher dose to get the same effect.

5. Impaired quality of life

As previously explained, when someone starts consuming drugs, it is very likely that they will become addicted. As time goes by, users will need higher doses to get the same effects.

When the effects of drugs begin to wear off, users will experience withdrawal symptoms , such as panic , difficulty breathing, irritability, and feelings of wanting to take drugs again.

Apart from affecting the body, the dangers of drugs can also disrupt the quality of life of users. For example, dealing with the police due to stealing to get money to buy drugs.

6. Overdose and death

Abuse of methamphetamine, opium, and cocaine can cause a variety of adverse effects in users, such as psychotic behavior and seizures .

Using this type of drug in high doses, even to the point of overdosing , can cause other drug dangers such as death.

7. Risk of contracting infectious diseases

Apart from being consumed, drugs can also be injected into the bloodstream. Using drugs in this way, especially if you share injection equipment with other drug addicts, will increase the risk of spreading viruses and contracting infectious diseases.

The dangers of this drug can occur because viruses, such as the HIV/AIDS virus or hepatitis virus , spread through blood or other body fluids.

8. Dehydration

Some types of drugs, such as ecstasy, can trigger dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. If left untreated, the dangers of this drug can cause users to experience seizures, panic attacks, hallucinations, chest pain and aggressive behavior.

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction to Watch Out for

It has been previously explained that one of the dangers of drugs is that they cause an addictive effect, thereby making users increasingly trapped in the trap of drugs.

People who consume or are addicted to drugs will generally show the following signs and symptoms:

  • Hallucinations
  • I say
  • Mood swings
  • Decreased Appetite
  • Decreased libido
  • Changes in behavior

People who show the various symptoms above need to get help immediately. The sooner drug addiction is treated, the faster the recovery process will be.

If left without treatment, people who are addicted to drugs can experience the following conditions:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Stop breathing
  • Seizures
  • Heart attack
  • Psychological disorder
  • Overdose

Preventing and Overcoming the Dangers of Drugs

The most appropriate way to avoid the dangers of drugs is to not consume them at all. However, if you have already consumed drugs, especially if you have become an addict, treatment in the form of rehabilitation is very necessary.

The Indonesian government, through the National Narcotics Agency, has provided rehabilitation services for drug addicts. The following are the stages of drug rehabilitation that are usually given to drug addicts:

1. Inspection

Before providing treatment, the doctor will check the condition of the drug addict by carrying out several tests, such as blood, urine or other laboratory tests. This test is carried out to see the extent to which addicts experience addiction and the side effects of the dangers of drugs they have experienced.

If the dangers of drugs cause drug users to experience depression or behavioral disorders, the doctor will give drugs first to cure these effects. After that, the doctor will carry out rehabilitation.

2. Detoxification

During the detoxification stage, drug addicts will be asked to stop consuming drugs. When going through this stage, the addict will most likely feel nauseous and his body will feel sick due to the loss of the substances he normally consumes.

Addicts will also feel restless and depressed due to not being able to take drugs that are usually calming. To treat this condition, doctors will usually provide treatment in the form of medication.

Apart from taking medication, addicts must also fulfill the body’s need for fluids to avoid dehydration, and consume nutritious food to speed up the recovery process during detoxification.

3. Stabilization

After these two stages have been successfully passed, the addict will undergo various therapies in the stabilization stage. At this stage, drug addicts will also be given a prescription for medication to help them recover from the dangers of drugs in the long term.

Apart from that, addicts will also be helped to think about long-term life plans and mental stability.

Support from people around you, both family and close friends, is very important to speed up the recovery process for drug addicts. Not only do they provide encouragement, they can also accompany addicts in carrying out their daily activities.

The dangers of drugs not only have a negative impact on the quality of life, but also on the physical and mental health of the user. Therefore, don’t try it for any reason. Drugs are not the answer to problems, but can actually cause new, bigger problems.

If you or someone close to you is already addicted to drugs, consult a psychiatrist to undergo an examination, including a physical condition examination, to anticipate the dangers of drugs to your health.

Apart from providing treatment to overcome drug addiction, psychiatrists will also provide referrals to other specialist doctors if drugs have caused problems with the health and function of the body’s organs.

Types of Drugs (Narcotics and Drugs)

The ingredients contained in these drugs can indeed have a bad impact on health if misused. According to the Law on Narcotics, types are divided into 3 groups based on the risk of dependence.

Class 1 Narcotics

Class 1 narcotics such as marijuana, opium and coca plants are very dangerous if consumed because they have a high risk of causing addictive effects.

Class 2 Narcotics

Meanwhile, class 2 narcotics can be used for treatment as long as they comply with a doctor’s prescription. There are approximately 85 types of this group, some of which include Morphine, Alfaprodina, and others. Group 2 also has a high potential for causing dependency.

Class 3 Narcotics

And finally, class 3 narcotics have a fairly low risk of dependence and are widely used for treatment and therapy.

As mentioned above, there are several types of drugs that can be obtained naturally, but there are also those that are made through chemical processes. Based on the ingredients used, the types of narcotics include:

Synthetic Narcotics

This type is obtained from a complicated processing process. This group is often used for medicinal and research purposes. Examples of synthetic narcotics such as amphetamines, methadone, dexamphetamine, and so on.



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