Horrifying! These are the long-term health effects of drinking alcohol

Horrifying! These are the long-term health effects of drinking alcohol

Jakarta, phinxpacific.com Indonesia – Excessive consumption of alcohol has many bad effects on health, especially if it continues to be consumed in the long term. Someone who consumes excess alcohol can be at risk of experiencing a number of health problems, such as damage to vital organs, dehydration, and decreased brain function and even death.
Not only that, alcohol addiction is also often associated with mental health problems, so someone who is addicted is usually referred for therapy.

The following are diseases that can arise as a result of long-term drunkenness:

1. Liver disease

When consumed, alcohol will be absorbed into the bloodstream, then collect in the liver to be broken down and neutralized so it can be removed from the body.

However, the liver’s ability to process alcohol is very limited. If more alcohol is drunk than the liver can process, the blood alcohol level will increase.

If it continues, drunkenness can cause problems with the liver, ranging from fatty liver, hepatitis, to liver cancer.

2. Heart and blood vessel disease

Other consequences of frequent drinking are heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure and heart rate, sudden death due to heart failure, and increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

3. Cancer

The more often you drink alcohol, the greater your risk of developing cancer and dying from the disease. The types of cancer that arise as a result of frequent drinking are liver cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer. Primarily, the cells around the mouth and throat.

Even consuming one glass of alcohol per day can increase the risk of mouth and throat cancer by up to 20%.

4. Brain and nerve disorders

Consuming too much alcohol can also cause brain disorders. According to research, frequently getting drunk can make the brain shrink or become smaller. The more alcohol consumed, the greater the shrinkage.

Apart from that, drinking too much alcohol can also reduce your ability to think and weaken your memory, as well as disrupt your reflexes and coordination of body movements.

5. Depression

Some people think that getting drunk can help calm the mind. However, what happened was just the opposite. Consuming excessive alcohol can actually cause or worsen depression.

Research shows that people who drink frequently have a higher risk of suicide and anxiety disorders. How come? When you drink too much alcohol, the function of brain chemicals that regulate mood will be disrupted, resulting in symptoms of depression.

6. Weakened immune system

Decreased immune system is one of the most common health effects experienced by consumers of alcoholic drinks in the long term. As a result, the body is more susceptible to various types of diseases, such as flu, even tuberculosis and pneumonia.

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