This is the danger if you take medication that does not match the dosage

This is the danger if you take medication that does not match the dosage

This is the danger if you take medication that does not match the dosage – , Jakarta – Taking medication is a way that can be used as a treatment step to overcome health problems. Medication consumption must be carried out in accordance with the instructions and directions of the doctor conducting the examination. Complying with the medication recommendations given by your doctor will prevent you from using medication that is not in accordance with the dosage.

Taking medication in inappropriate doses causes overdoses in both children and adults. Of course, the medicine given by the doctor takes time until you can feel the benefits of the medicine. So, you should avoid taking medication that does not match the dosage given by the doctor because it increases the risk of health problems.

Avoid taking medication that doesn’t match the dosage

If you have health problems, it definitely feels uncomfortable. This is what makes you decide to ask the doctor directly or visit the nearest hospital. The goal is that health complaints can be resolved immediately and activities can be carried out without being disturbed. Various treatments can be given, one of which is by taking medicines given by a doctor.

However, of course the medication given takes time until health can finally recover. If you have taken the medicine according to the dosage but there has been no change, you should not take the medicine excessively. This condition can cause you to overdose. Of course, this is very dangerous for body health.

According to Web MD , the drugs consumed have an impact on the entire body. So if you experience an overdose, this will be dangerous for the body. Taking medication not in accordance with the dosage causes disturbances in vital signs in the body, for example body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory system , and blood pressure.

Consuming an excess dose of medication causes a person to experience vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, shortness of breath, anxiety disorders, and a body lacking oxygen. In addition, excess doses that are not treated immediately can cause damage to several organ functions.

This condition requires immediate medical treatment. It is best to immediately visit the nearest hospital so that someone who has taken an excessive dose of medication can be treated immediately.

Factors Triggering Drug Consumption Inappropriate Dosage

Taking excessive doses of medication can occur accidentally or intentionally. There are trigger factors that increase a person’s experience of this condition, such as careless storage of medication so that it can be taken by anyone, including children. Not knowing the instructions and not following the instructions are also other factors that can trigger inappropriate drug doses.

A medical history of having experienced drug addiction is also another trigger for why someone is susceptible to consuming drugs that do not match the dosage. Apart from that, this condition is also related to a person’s mental health. Depression can trigger someone to take inappropriate medication, so it’s a good idea to always maintain mental health.

Taking medication that is not in the appropriate dosage can be prevented. If you have children under five at home, it is best to place the medicine in a location that is difficult for children to reach. Apart from that, do not carelessly give medicine to children under five. You can also discuss with a doctor at Halodoc to find out the correct dosage of medication.

Don’t forget to follow the doctor’s instructions and suggestions as stated on the medicine when taking any type of medicine. There is no harm in providing information to your doctor about the medications you previously took. Do not combine medications without any information from your doctor.

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