The final stage indicates that your cancer has spread to other organs. When you are in this position, the hope of being free from cancer becomes increasingly small. However, doctors still try to provide therapy to give you a better quality of life. The treatment undertaken also varies depending on the type of cancer. Things that influence treatment are your age, overall health condition, previous therapy. Treatment that can be undertaken for end-stage cancer includes:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Biological Therapy

Therapeutic Goals

Usually warriors want the therapy they undergo to make themselves free from cancer. It’s different if you are in the final stage. Aiming to be free from cancer is no longer the main thing for you. The goals of treatment will change to:

  • Reduces side effects that arise due to cancer and its therapy
  • Get a better quality of life and live longer.

Challenges of Living with Cancer

Being in a situation where terminal cancer accompanies you will certainly make life more valuable. On the other hand, life becomes so challenging. Feelings like:

  • Feeling angry, disappointed, sad, having no hope, about the presence of cancer.
  • Feeling like no one can understand your position, even your family.
  • Worried that the treatment you are undergoing will not produce results, instead it will worsen your condition.
  • Surrender to the results of the examination and all available options.

You can overcome these feelings by taking the following steps:

  • Talk to your family and friends about your current condition
  • Do daily activities that can help you forget about your condition for a while. If you are too tired, ask someone around you for help.
  • Seek emotional and spiritual support.

Recognize and understand your feelings, whether they are fear or worry. Consult with your doctor and health team about everything you feel, the symptoms that appear, your physical condition and even your emotional condition.

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