Is Bloody Defecation Dangerous? Get to Know the Cause!

Is Bloody Defecation Dangerous? Get to Know the Cause!

Is bloody defecation dangerous? These concerns must have arisen in the heads of Sahabat Persada. Defecation accompanied by blood is indeed a worrying thing. This condition can occur due to several causes.

Starting from normal to abnormal. Get to know completely the causes of blood in the feces and the steps that Friends of Persada need to take to overcome them. Friends of Persada can see information about how to deal with bloody stools and the causes of bloody stools in this article.

Bloody stools do not always indicate a dangerous condition. The color of the blood usually determines where in the digestive tract the bleeding occurs. The following are blood colors that may appear:

Bright red blood indicates bleeding in the lower digestive tract such as the large intestine or rectum.
Dark red blood indicates bleeding in the small intestine or early part of the large intestine.
Black stools may indicate bleeding in the stomach or upper part of the small intestine (stomach or esophagus).
Apart from bleeding in the upper digestive tract, sometimes consuming certain foods can also make the stool black. Therefore, further examination is needed and looking at other symptoms to determine the cause.

What Causes Bloody Defecation ?

The cause of bloody stools can be due to several factors. The following are the causes of bloody stools:

1. Diverticular disease

Diverticula are part of the large intestine. In some conditions diverticula can bleed and become infected. This is what then causes blood in the feces.

2. Anal fissure

There are small tears in the tissue lining the anus. The shape is similar to the cracks that occur in chapped lips. This condition is caused by defecation that is large and hard, causing pain.

3. Inflammation of the colon

This is the most common cause, infection or inflammation of the intestines can cause blood to appear in the feces.

4. Angiodysplasia

A condition that occurs due to bleeding caused by fragile and abnormal blood vessels.

5. Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcers are generally caused by a bacterial infection called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This is an open wound that occurs in the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the upper end of the small intestine.

6. Polyps or cancer

Intestinal polyps are tissue growths on the intestinal wall in the form of lumps. Over time polyps can become cancerous. This cancer can be the main cause of bleeding, to find out the details you need to do a test in the laboratory.

7. Esophageal problems

Varicose veins in the esophagus or tears in the esophagus can cause severe blood loss.

Symptoms of Bloody Defecation

Bloody bowel movements themselves can be called a symptom of the disease. The appearance of blood in the stool can also be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the underlying condition.

If you experience bloody bowel movements caused by bleeding in the lower digestive tract (hematochezia), Friends of Persada may experience:

  • Change in frequency of bowel movements
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach ache.

Meanwhile, if Sahabat Persada experiences bleeding in the upper digestive tract, then Sahabat Persada may experience bloody bowel movements accompanied by symptoms, such as; The stool is dark in color, with a soft and sticky texture. As well as vomiting blood or the color of coffee.

How to Treat Bloody Defecation?

Doctors usually use one of several techniques to stop acute bleeding. Endoscopy is often the main choice to determine the cause of defecating with blood. It is not uncommon for this method to be used simultaneously to provide certain therapies or treatments.

Other methods that can be used are to treat the bleeding site with an electric current or laser, or apply a band or clip to close the blood vessel. If endoscopy cannot reduce bleeding, your doctor may use angiography to inject medication into a blood vessel to control bleeding.

In addition to stopping the bleeding directly, if necessary, treatment involves addressing the cause of the bleeding so that it does not return. The type of treatment will vary depending on the cause, for example to treat H. pylori bacterial infections doctors use antibiotics, to treat colitis, doctors recommend stomach acid suppressants and anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgery may be necessary to remove polyps or parts of the colon damaged by cancer, diverticulitis, or inflammatory bowel disease.

How to Prevent Bloody Defecation?

Several things that can be implemented to reduce the risk of bloody bowel movements include:

  • Consume high fiber foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain cleanliness of the rectum
  • Maintain body fluid intake

Not consuming alcoholic drinks prevents diabetes mellitus and obesity, because they can cause fatty liver and cirrhosis
Treat hepatitis B completely.

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