Tips for Maintaining Lung Health with a Healthy Lifestyle

Medan -The lungs are an important, irreplaceable organ in the body, so they must be looked after. One way to maintain lung health is by living a healthy lifestyle.
To maintain lung health, don’t delay, detikers. Below detikSumut presents ways to prevent lung health as reported on the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Read this article to the end, OK, detikers!

Lung Function

The function of the lungs is to exchange oxygen from the air with carbon monoxide through the blood. The process that has a vital function in the body is called breathing. As many as 550 liters of oxygen are needed by humans every day.

Healthy lungs provide large amounts of oxygen to the blood. The impact on the body is quite good because of the availability of sufficient oxygen. This allows the body to work and carry out activities well.

How to Maintain Lung Health

To maintain lung health, below are methods that can be applied.

1. Stop smoking

Cigarette smoke contains more than 400 dangerous chemical compounds, 50 of which cause cancer. Therefore, smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

2. Wash your hands using water and soap

Hands can spread as much as 80 percent of infectious respiratory diseases, such as flu and colds. The risks caused by bacteria and viruses can be avoided by washing your hands before and after eating and after defecating.

3. Avoid Pollution and Keep the Air Clean

Air pollution can cause health problems, especially for people with lung disease. Things that can be done to maintain air conditions, such as maintaining humidity in the house, not using pesticides and so on.

4. Stay away from cigarette smoke

A non-smoker is at risk of developing the same disease as a smoker if he continues to inhale cigarette smoke. Therefore, it is important to avoid becoming a passive smoker by prohibiting smokers from smoking at home, in the car or in the work environment.

5. Do physical activity

Physical activity needs to be done regularly for 30 minutes every day. Examples of physical activities that can maintain emotional stability and manage stress are aerobics and swimming.

Causes of Lung Damage

Without realizing it, we often carry out activities that have a negative impact on the lungs. Some of the damages that often occur include:

  • Allergy
  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Overweight
  • Heart disease, blood flow, high blood pressure, bronchitis, asthma, due to smoking

Apart from that, there are also diseases that can cause damage or problems to the lungs.

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Lung cancer
  • Lung swelling, such as heart failure
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/COPD
  • Pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis (TB)

So, that’s how to prevent lung health that detikers can apply from now on. Hopefully this article is useful, detikers!

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