How to Treat Anemia

How to Treat Anemia

Anemia is a condition caused by a lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is a common health problem throughout the world. Treatment or management of anemia is quite varied, depending on the type and cause. So, it is necessary to know the types of anemia, as well as approaches and treatments or methods that are effective in treating and restoring overall health.

There are several examples of anemia treatment and anemia medication based on type:

1. Anemia due to bleeding

In the case of anemia caused by bleeding, the treatment approach consists of stopping the bleeding itself. If necessary, the doctor will also recommend iron supplements or even a blood transfusion.

2. Anemia due to iron deficiency

To overcome this condition, the steps taken are to increase your intake of foods containing iron and consume iron supplements. In more serious situations, a blood transfusion may be necessary.

3. Anemia during pregnancy

When facing anemia during pregnancy, the solution is to provide iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements according to the dosage determined by the doctor.

4. Anemia due to chronic disease

In anemia that arises as a result of chronic disease, the approach taken is to treat the causative condition first. Sometimes, the situation requires blood transfusions and also injections of the hormone erythropoietin so that red blood cell production can be increased.

5. Aplastic anemia

The solution to treating aplastic anemia is to give a blood transfusion to increase the number of red blood cells, or in some cases, a bone marrow transplant if the patient’s bone marrow is no longer able to produce healthy red blood cells.

6. Hemolytic anemia

To treat hemolytic anemia, steps taken include stopping the use of drugs that can trigger this condition, treating any infections that may be present, using immunosuppressant drugs, or even having the spleen removed.

7. Sickle cell anemia

When facing sickle cell anemia, medical procedures that are generally carried out include giving iron and folic acid supplements, bone marrow grafts, and the use of chemotherapy therapy such as hydroxyurea. Under certain conditions, the doctor may also prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics as part of the treatment.

In an effort to treat anemia , it is important to know the signs, types and causes. Get treatment assistance from medical professionals so that all treatment plans can be effective and appropriate. Download the IHC Telemed application on the App Store and Google Play and enjoy direct consultation services with IHC doctors anywhere and anytime. IHC Telemed , health in the palm of your hand.

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