Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer – To keep the digestive tract healthy, a diet to prevent colon cancer needs to be implemented. It should be noted that colon cancer is the 4th most common type of cancer in the world, and is the second highest number of cancer cases in men in Indonesia.

Colon cancer occurs when cells in the wall of the colon become malignant and grow uncontrollably, thereby damaging the surrounding healthy tissue and organs.

Colon cancer sufferers in the early stages may not experience any symptoms. However, when colon cancer has entered a more advanced stage, sufferers can experience several symptoms, such as stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloody stools , frequent bloating in the stomach, drastic weight loss without dieting, and fatigue easily.

Changing your diet to prevent colon cancer is one step that can be taken. Not only does it prevent colon cancer, this diet can also maintain general health.

A Glance at the Causes of Colon Cancer

The exact cause of this disease is not yet known. However, there are several factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing colon cancer, namely:

  • Having parents, siblings, or biological relatives who suffer from colon cancer
  • Over 50 years old
  • Having an unhealthy diet, for example frequently consuming foods that are high in fat and calories, or consuming too many sweet drinks
  • Smoking or consuming excessive alcoholic drinks
  • Suffering from certain diseases, such as colitis and diabetes
  • Having excess weight or obesity

Know Dietary Patterns to Prevent Colon Cancer

Although some risk factors for colon cancer, such as heredity and age, cannot be prevented, the chance of developing this disease can be reduced by adopting a healthy diet.

Here are some of the best steps to start a diet to prevent colon cancer:

1. Limit consumption of red meat and processed meat

Red meat and processed meat, especially those cooked at high temperatures such as frying or grilling, can produce chemicals and free radicals that have the potential to cause cancer.

Examples of red meat are beef, lamb, pork and goat, while processed meat is ham , sausage, bacon or corned beef.

To avoid the risk of colon cancer, adults are advised to limit their consumption of red meat and processed meat to a maximum of 70 grams per day.

To prevent iron deficiency due to limiting red meat consumption, you can add chicken, fish, shellfish, eggs and nuts to your diet.

2. Increase your intake of fiber and antioxidants

Foods high in fiber play an important role in facilitating bowel movements (BAB) as well as reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Research also shows that vegetarians have a lower risk of developing colon cancer than non-vegetarians.

Meanwhile, antioxidants can fight the effects of free radicals which have the potential to damage colon cells. This is why foods high in fiber and antioxidants, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds such as whole wheat, can be included in your diet to prevent colon cancer.

3. Increase consumption of healthy fats

Foods high in healthy fats, such as omega-3 or squalene , are thought to reduce the risk of colon cancer. This healthy fat intake can be obtained from sea fish, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils , such as olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and corn oil.

4. Consume foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D

Apart from healthy fats, foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as egg yolks, mushrooms, milk and yogurt, are also known to be good for preventing colon cancer.

However, you should choose low-fat milk and dairy products if you want to adopt a diet to prevent colon cancer.

Apart from changing your diet, the following steps are also important to take to prevent colon cancer:

  • Maintain ideal body weight
  • Exercise regularly for about 30 minutes every day
  • Don’t smoke and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Limit consumption of alcoholic drinks
  • Undergo regular colon cancer screening, for people who have risk factors, so that this disease can be detected early

If you are at high risk of experiencing this disease, it is recommended that you follow a diet to prevent colon cancer, change your lifestyle to a healthier one, and have regular doctor’s examinations. The earlier colon cancer is detected and treated, the greater the chance of cure.

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