It could be said that anything done excessively is not good for health, including sleeping for too long. Each person has different sleep needs, depending on daily habits, age, lifestyle and overall health condition. Adults need around 7-9 hours of sleep every day, while elderly people usually need around 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

~ Understanding the Dangers of Sleeping Too Long Sleeping too long

Sleeping for longer than the ideal time is usually indicated by symptoms such as often having difficulty waking up in the morning, easily feeling sleepy during the day and still feeling sleepy during the day.

However, if you often sleep too long, you will usually experience several symptoms such as feeling dizzy easily, being at risk of diabetes, easily experiencing stress and mental disorders, and having a high risk of getting heart disease.

The following are complete details of the dangers of sleeping too long, including:

1. Headache

If you often sleep too long during the day then it is not surprising that you often find it difficult to sleep at night. If you experience this often then usually the next day your head will often hurt. Headaches occur due to sleeping too long and this condition can affect the work of chemical compounds in the brain.

2. Obesity

There is a study which states that someone who often sleeps more than 1-2 hours than they should is more likely to become overweight compared to others. The same condition can also occur in someone who often feels sleep deprived.

3. Diabetes

Sleeping too long, or conversely sleeping only for a short time, can have an impact on increasing the risk of diabetes. There is a study whose results show that someone who often feels sleep-deprived or sleeps too long is at high risk of having problems regulating blood sugar levels.

4. Mental disorders

Depression and sleep problems such as insomnia are closely related, where 15% of depression sufferers are caused by sleeping for too long. Frequently sleeping longer than necessary is also known to increase sufferers’ risk of feeling anxious, easily tired and experiencing memory problems.

5. Heart disease

According to research results, it is known that women who often sleep for 9-11 hours every day have a higher risk of developing heart disease compared to women who usually sleep for 8 hours per day. Frequently sleeping longer than you should know can weaken the immune system, and this condition usually makes someone who often sleeps for a long time become sick easily.

6. Back pain

If you often sleep for longer than the recommended time, especially if you sleep on your back, the worry is that you will easily experience back pain. You can start to get used to regulating or managing your sleep time so that it can be more regular and of higher quality. To get good quality sleep, sleeping for a long time is still not enough because there are still other things that need to be considered. To be able to get good quality sleep, you should manage your schedule regularly.

7. It will be difficult to get pregnant

Around 2013, a research team from Korea conducted research on 650 women who underwent fertility treatment and the results showed that the highest number of pregnancies was found in the group of women who slept 7-8 hours per day, while the lowest was in the group of women who sleeping for more than 9 hours per day. It turns out that the duration of sleep can have an influence on hormonal changes and the menstrual cycle.

8. Sleeping Too Much Can Cause Death More Quickly

In 2010, there were 16 different studies and researchers found evidence that the risk of death can increase with short and long sleep times. Sleeping more than 8 hours per day was often associated with a 1.3 times greater risk of death among the 1,382,999 study participants.

~ Make a sleep schedule. Dangers of sleeping too long

It’s best to try to sleep at the right time and wake up on a regular schedule every day.

~ Exercise regularly

By exercising regularly it will help improve your sleep patterns and the quality of your body’s health. However, you should not exercise 6 hours before going to bed at night and avoid consuming alcoholic drinks, caffeine, coffee, soda, chocolate and tea. This is because if you consume one of these types of food or drink, you will be at risk of having nightmares at night.

~ Set a bedroom atmosphere that makes you comfortable

The atmosphere in your bedroom can have an influence on the quality of your sleep, therefore, if your sleep quality has not been good, try to rearrange the atmosphere of your room, for example light, room temperature, sound. If you often have difficulty sleeping at night, it’s a good idea to get used to the discipline of turning off all electronic equipment 2 hours before bedtime.

~ Limit nap time

If you have often had difficulty sleeping at night, this could be because you have taken a nap. If you have difficulty sleeping at night, this is usually because you think about a lot of problems at night before going to bed. By calming yourself down and knowing the causes of difficulty sleeping, you will be able to more easily overcome the problem of difficulty sleeping at night, but if this problem doesn’t go away then it’s a good idea to immediately visit the nearest doctor or hospital for a consultation.

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