Consequences of Lack of Drinking and Its Impact

Consequences of Lack of Drinking and Its Impact

Then the question that arises in our minds is “have you drunk enough water today?” questions that seem trivial but actually have quite significant consequences and impacts on our bodies and are even dangerous to our health.

The human body consists of 80% fluid. The function of water in the human body is to keep the body fresh, help the digestive system run more smoothly, and remove toxins from the body through sweat and urine. It also functions as a solvent, catalyst, lubricant, body temperature regulator and also as a provider of electrolytes and minerals which are really needed by the body.

Apart from that, water also functions as a way for a natural diet. The benefits of water are so important for our bodies, but if we get used to forgetting the importance of water, then here are some impacts that will directly or slowly affect our bodies.

1. Interferes with brain function.

Water is very good for the development of our brain cells. Because if our body lacks water it will cause the fluid in the brain to decrease, the oxygen intake that should flow to the brain will also decrease. This causes brain cells to become inactive and not develop as expected.

Lack of drinking water can also cause us to easily lose concentration when carrying out daily activities and can also cause us to easily forget or become senile. It could be said that he failed to focus.

2. Various Health Problems

The next impact that occurs due to not drinking enough water is feeling thirsty, the throat feels thirsty, the throat feels dry, the body temperature becomes hot, symptoms of headaches, the urine will be dark in color, the pulse feels fast. This will of course have a big impact on our health. It’s best not to wait until you feel thirsty to drink to avoid dehydration.

3. Bladder Infections

Due to not drinking enough water, it can also cause bladder infections. Symptoms of a bladder infection are increased body temperature, pain when urinating and sometimes there is blood in the urine that is excreted.

4. Dull Skin

The skin becomes dull, dry, does not show bright and youthful skin because the capillary blood flow in the skin on the body is not optimal. Of course, you don’t want to be called old before your time, right? So from now on, drink lots of water so that you always look young. And the condition of your facial skin looks more moist.

5. Kidneys

In several cases that occur around us, many people suffer from kidney disease due to not drinking enough water. This can interfere with the function of the kidneys in the body because water is very important for preventing kidney stones. The function of water in the kidneys will make the components that form kidney stones more easily dissolve in the small amount of water that we excrete every day.

It’s not too late to start this good habit, namely being ready to drink before you’re thirsty, in order to maintain health, which starts with small things but has big benefits for our bodies.


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