You Have to Know the Impact of Washing Your Hair Every Day, It’s Not Always Good

You Have to Know the Impact of Washing Your Hair Every Day, It's Not Always Good

Hair is the crown of the head, so the health and cleanliness of hair must always be maintained by washing it regularly. Because hair produces sebum and oil every day.

Sebum is natural fat from glands in the skin which is useful for keeping hair and scalp moist. But, is washing your hair every day allowed? Is there an impact of washing your hair every day on your skin and hair? Instead of making you even more curious, just look at the answer in the following review.

The Impact of Washing Your Hair Every Day

If you currently have a habit of washing your hair every day, from now on you have to consider it again, okay? Because, there are a number of dangers of washing your hair every day, such as:

1. Hair becomes very dry 

If you wash your hair every day, the sebum that forms an oil layer on your scalp and hair can decrease. The impact of washing your hair every day makes your hair even drier.

Of course, if the hair is too dry this is not good to look at. For this reason, it’s a good idea to avoid washing your hair too often so that your hair doesn’t become very dry.

2. Hair color fades easily 

For those of you who color your hair, especially by bleaching , it is not recommended to wash your hair every day. Because this habit can make your hair color fade more easily.

You don’t want your hair, which already has this beautiful color, to fade because you wash it too often, right? Therefore, you have to set the right time to wash your hair so that your hair color doesn’t fade.

3. Dull hair 

The side effects of washing your hair every day are related to the sebum on the scalp and hair. When you wash your hair every day, the amount of sebum can continue to decrease. Not only does it cause dry hair, a lack of sebum can make the crown of your head very dull.

4. Split ends 

The next impact of washing your hair every day is that it doesn’t just cause dryness in the hair shaft. However, the ends of your hair split very easily. This is caused by a lack of sebum or natural oil in the hair.

5. Easy to get drenched 

This may sound quite confusing. Indeed, washing your hair too much can make your scalp and hair dry. However, the body has a compensation system by making more oil which causes hair to become limp very easily.

6. Dandruff 

Not only is it dirty, dandruff can also appear because the scalp is very dry. This is due to the combination of excessive use of warm water when shampooing the scalp which is very dry due to shampooing too often.

Rules for Good Shampooing  

So, if washing your hair every day can have bad effects, how many times can we clean our hair properly?

Actually, there is no definite number of days you should wash your hair. Some people can wash their hair every day, but there are others who are not advised to do so. A number of factors can determine this:

1. Scalp type 

For those of you who have oily scalp, it is recommended to clean your hair every day because excessive amounts of sebum are not good.

When sebum is excessive, there is a lot of dirt stuck to the hair. Washing your hair regularly can help you to clean excess sebum and dirt.

Meanwhile, if your scalp is normal or dry, it is recommended to wash your hair twice a week. Why is that? Because this is very dry skin, if you wash your hair too often it can make the condition even drier.

2. Hair texture

In fact, the texture of the hair, such as curly, curly or straight, is related to the speed at which the sebum reaches the hair roots. For straight hair, it is recommended that you wash your hair every day because sebum gets to the hair roots very quickly. So your scalp becomes oily very easily.

On curly hair, the oil on the head will be very slow to reach the roots. So you are advised to clean your hair twice a week so that your hair doesn’t fall out.

3. Hair thickness

For those of you who have thick hair, it is recommended to wash your hair 3 times a week. As with curly hair texture, sebum production will not easily reach the roots quickly.

Then, for thin and fine hair, you are advised to shampoo more often. The reason is that it is very easy for sebum to flow to the roots and cause oil to accumulate on the scalp.

4. Age

As you get older, sebum production on the head will decrease. You are also advised to avoid washing your hair frequently.

5. Always style your hair

Those of you who like styling your hair, such as smoothing or coloring it, are advised not to wash your hair too often. After this procedure, hair generally becomes very easy to fall out and brittle.

So, whether you wash your hair too often or not depends on the needs of your hair and scalp. So, get to know the condition of your hair and scalp well to prevent the dangers of washing your hair every day.

You Have to Know the Impact of Washing Your Hair Every Day, It’s Not Always Good

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