Tips and Ways to Gain Healthy Weight

Tips and Ways to Gain Healthy Weight

Tips and Ways to Gain Healthy Weight – Ideal body weight is certainly everyone’s dream. Medically, there are main factors for someone to have an ideal and healthy weight, including daily food consumption, time and quality of sleep, consumption of medicines, health conditions and genetics, and physical activity.

In the daily lives of MIKA Friends, you often hear complaints about many people who are overweight. In fact, weight problems are also experienced by people with low BMI ( Body mass index ) values. The BMI score itself is measured based on age and height.

According to research, a BMI score below 18.5 is a sign that you are underweight. Meanwhile, the ideal body BMI score is between 18.5-24.9.

Of course, Mitra Keluarga medically has a solution in the form of tips and ways to gain healthy weight. Come on, take a look at the complete information below!

How to gain healthy weight

To gain weight, MIKA Friends use a different strategy to lose weight. Furthermore, the following is an explanation of how to gain weight:

1. Calorie surplus

The weight gain process can be successful and achieved if MIKA Friends have a calorie surplus. This means you need to increase your daily calorie intake.

For progress in gaining weight in a time that you can enjoy, adding 300-500 calories to each meal schedule provides effective results. If you want to go faster, you can add 700-1,000 calories to your diet.

Even though you increase your calorie intake, that doesn’t mean that MIKA Friends are free to eat anything at random. You also need to pay attention to the nutrition in food so that your body stays healthy.

2. Increase protein consumption

Protein functions to build bone growth and increase muscle mass. Increasing protein consumption is also recommended in gaining weight. Medically, protein consumption with the aim of gaining weight is required at 1-1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

For MIKA friends who want to gain weight, but have a habit of having difficulty eating, additional supplements such as  whey protein  are also very helpful in fulfilling protein nutrition and increasing appetite.

3. Increase carbohydrate and fat intake

Apart from protein, you can increase your intake of foods high in carbohydrates and fat, if you are focused on gaining weight. Don’t forget to maintain a balanced nutritious diet to meet micronutrients.

4. Increase energy-dense intake

Energy-dense foods, such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, milk, and chocolate with good fat content are very helpful in producing energy with high calories. However, these energy-dense foods are easy to fill. To increase your appetite, try adding spices or  toppings  to make the food taste stronger, making you want to increase your portion size.

MIKA friends can implement this eating lifestyle at home. If you want to get more complete information about food menus that can increase weight, consult a Mitra Keluarga Clinic Nutritionist.

Tips for gaining healthy weight

gain weight, your main focus is to increase your food intake. However, food and nutrition alone are not enough, you know! You also need to pay full attention to how your daily life is.

  • For this reason, Mitra Keluarga provides tips for gaining weight healthily:
  • Eat small portions, but often. MIKA’s friends can add healthy snacks to increase calories.
  • Take the time to consume high-calorie drinks, for example  milkshakes.
  • Stick to a balanced nutritious diet, consisting of carbohydrates, protein, fat and milk. Don’t leave out vegetables and fruit in your diet.
  • Do exercise to build muscle mass, for example lifting weights, yoga, Pilates. Exercise also makes you hungry faster and builds your appetite.
  • Even though foods high in fat and sugar can increase weight quickly, limit their consumption to prevent diabetes.
  • Get enough sleep to help build muscle mass.
  • Avoid drinking before eating. This makes MIKA’s friends full quickly.
  • Avoid smoking.

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