This is the negative impact of being hungry for your health

This is the negative impact of being hungry for your health

This is the negative impact of being hungry for your health –

Jakarta – Having busy activities tends to make people not good at managing meal times and more often skipping them in order to complete work. Completing work according to the deadline or even before the deadline can really give you more time to complete other things. However, don’t let this make you forget to eat, even to the point of being hungry or feeling very hungry later.

The reason is, holding back hunger or leaving your stomach empty for a long time, even too long, never has a good impact on your body’s health. Behind the hunger you feel, there are a multitude of health risks that you also need to pay attention to.

Negative Impact of Enduring Hunger

There are still many people who underestimate hunger by delaying or even skipping meals. In fact, hunger is a signal given by the body to tell you that your body needs nutritional intake, so that it can still work optimally in facing your busy activities. So, what are the impacts if someone is hungry too often?

Experiencing Malnutrition

The most obvious impact that you may feel is that your body experiences nutritional deficiencies or malnutrition . This not only makes the body look thin, but also triggers a series of other health problems. One of them is anemia due to lack of iron intake and immune problems due to vitamin C deficiency.

Risk of Chronic Disease
According to the USDA, there is a link between hunger and chronic health disorders, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. In fact, this condition can get worse because it is always balanced with other unhealthy lifestyle patterns, such as consuming excessive caffeine and tending to choose ready-to-eat food because it is quicker to eat. Not to mention the habit of staying up late and consuming sweet foods or drinks.

Metabolism Problems
Apart from malnutrition and being susceptible to chronic health problems, holding back hunger also has an impact on the body’s metabolic problems. This condition occurs because you have irregular eating hours which will have an impact on your circadian rhythm. Ultimately, you are at risk of experiencing weight gain, immunity problems, and other health problems.

Mental Health Issues
Constant hunger can make you feel stressed. This can make you experience depression, anxiety, and even PTSD . Not only that, you will also become a more emotional person, get angry easily, and have a mood that tends to change easily.

A Body That Gets Tired Easily
Hunger is a natural mechanism released by the body as a sign that the body needs energy to remain active. This means that holding back hunger will prevent your body from getting the energy it needs, so you will feel tired easily, have difficulty concentrating, and may even no longer be able to carry out activities.

Not only food, water is also important to support body health. If you are always hungry and thirsty, you will definitely become dehydrated. This condition will have a worse impact on your health, because it can cause headaches, fainting, decreased heart rate, electrolyte disturbances, heart attacks, and even organ damage or failure.

Those who experience hunger due to being hungry too often cannot immediately consume normal amounts of food. The body must start again with a relatively slow rhythm to avoid other impacts that can occur on the heart, neurophysiology, and swelling of body tissues.

You also need advice from a nutritionist if you are experiencing severe hunger. So, avoid holding back hunger for too long. Ask about other impacts directly to nutritionists via the Halodoc application , because asking questions and answers with doctors is now easier.

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