Causes of Increased Gastric Acid and Treatment

Causes of Increased Gastric Acid and Treatment

Causes of Increased Gastric Acid and Treatment – Gastric acid disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where there is a sour taste in the back of the mouth, upper stomach pain, dry cough, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and usually occurs when eating late or when the stomach is empty.

In general, acid reflux disease is a digestive disorder that affects the muscle ring between the esophagus and the stomach. Weakened lower esophageal muscles cause the esophagus to remain open. This makes stomach acid rise back up into the esophagus.

The term “gastroesophageal” refers to the stomach and esophagus. Reflux means flowing back. Gastroesophageal reflux is when what is in the stomach goes back into the esophagus.

In normal digestion, the lower esophageal muscle (LES muscle) opens to allow food to enter your stomach. Then, the LES muscle closes to stop food and stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus.

The following are things that often cause stomach acid

Acid reflux disease occurs when the LES is weak, unable to open and close as it should, which causes stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus.

Hiatal hernia This is when part of the stomach moves over the diaphragm into the chest area. A compromised diaphragm can increase the chance that the LES muscle will not be able to perform its function properly.

Often eat large portions. This can cause distension of the upper part of the stomach. This distension means there is not enough pressure on the LES muscle and the LES is not closing properly.

Lying down too quickly after a large meal. This can put less pressure than the LES needs to function properly.

Treatment When Stomach Acid Occurs

Gastric Acid Disease can be treated by changing daily behavior, such as not lying down or sleeping immediately after eating, losing weight, staying away from trigger foods, including sour fruit, and stopping smoking. Some herbal plants, such as ginger, are also claimed to be useful for treating stomach acid disease.

Doctors can also give medicine to treat stomach acid disease and relieve ulcers caused by stomach acid. If these methods cannot overcome stomach acid disease, surgery can be performed.

Apart from that, keeping your mind from stress is also one way to prevent stomach acid.

Acid reflux disease can be prevented by not lying down immediately after eating, avoiding consuming spicy and sour foods, and implementing a regular eating schedule. Apart from that, this disease can also be prevented by stopping drinking caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, and alcoholic drinks.

Good Fruit for Stomach Acid Sufferers

1. Bananas

are a good fruit for consumption by stomach acid sufferers because they have low acid levels.

Apart from that, bananas are also believed to be able to coat the esophagus which is irritated due to increased stomach acid and also help neutralize stomach ulcer symptoms.

2. Coconut Water Coconut water

is known to have many good benefits for the body, one of which is that it contains the mineral potassium and various compounds that help the digestive system run smoothly. So, this fruit is suitable for consumption for those of you who often experience GERD symptoms.

Apart from that, coconut water can also maintain normal body temperature and inhibit inflammation in the stomach. You can consume coconut regularly to feel the maximum benefits.

3. Watermelon Watermelon

is famous for its high water content. This is good for helping meet the body’s fluid needs while neutralizing stomach acid. Apart from being good for stomach acid, watermelon is also a source of lycopene which plays a role in preventing damage to body cells.

4. Avocados Avocados

are a fruit that can be processed into various types of food or drinks such as juice, mixed fruit ice, or as a filling for sandwiches.
Luckily, avocado is classified as a low-acid fruit so it is safe for consumption by GERD and ulcer sufferers. For those who are still confused, you can understand the difference between ulcers and GERD here.

5. Melon Melon

is also a highly recommended fruit for stomach acid sufferers. Not without reason, melons contain the mineral magnesium which makes them alkaline. So, you don’t need to worry or be afraid that stomach acid will rise after eating this fruit. Apart from that, apparently melons also contain potassium which is good for heart health and antioxidants which help prevent inflammation.

6. Papaya

For those of you who are struggling with stomach acid symptoms, consuming papaya could be the solution.
Papaya is one of the recommended fruits for stomach acid that you can try. Papaya contains the enzyme papain which is useful in smoothing the digestive process as well as making it easier to break down protein, so that protein is more easily broken down into amino acids.

7. Apples

The next fruit for stomach acid sufferers is apples. This is because apples are a fruit that is rich in fiber as well as being a source of calcium, potassium and magnesium.

These substances apparently play a significant role in relieving the symptoms of stomach acid that you are experiencing, such as stomach ulcers.
However, it is recommended that you choose sweet apples, because green apples usually have a sour taste and should be avoided.

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