The Right Way to Treat Typhus at Home

The Right Way to Treat Typhus at Home

The Right Way to Treat Typhus at Home – Jakarta – Be careful when consuming food that is not guaranteed to be clean. It is possible that the food has been contaminated with the Salmonella typhi bacteria that causes typhus . Apart from contaminated food and drink, these bacteria can also enter the body through bad habits, such as not washing your hands after going to the toilet and before eating.

Symptoms that arise due to typhus are high fever, chills, headache, body weakness, stomach ache and sore throat. Usually, these symptoms appear one to three weeks after the bacteria enter the body. How to treat typhus? Can this disease be treated at home?

This is the Right Way to Treat Typhus at Home

If the symptoms are not severe, people with typhus will not always be hospitalized. Doctors will usually only recommend outpatient and home treatment, using prescribed medication. However, each person’s condition can be different.

So, if you feel typhus symptoms, you should immediately download the Halodoc application to ask a doctor via chat or make an appointment with a doctor at the hospital , so you can undergo an examination. Then, the decision whether to be hospitalized or undergo home treatment depends on the doctor’s assessment of the condition experienced.

So, if it is only allowed to be treated at home, what kind of treatment steps can be taken? Here are the tips:

1. Eat foods high in calories and protein

Even though your tongue may taste bitter due to fever, you need to eat regularly when you have typhus. Consume foods that are high in calories and protein, so that the recovery process runs more smoothly. High-calorie foods provide enough energy for the immune system to fight infections.

However, choose healthy high-calorie foods, such as white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocados and nuts. Avoid unhealthy high-calorie foods, such as ready-to-eat foods, fried, fatty and sweet foods.

Meanwhile, protein intake during typhus is useful for speeding up the healing period from infection. The body needs protein to produce new and healthy cells, as well as repair body tissue damaged by inflammation, infection.

Apart from that, the body also needs protein to produce enzymes, hormones and other important chemical compounds, to support the work of the immune system and the body’s metabolism. So, consume foods high in healthy protein, such as chicken breast, beef, and also eggs that are cooked thoroughly until they are completely cooked.

2. Eat small portions but often

The way to deal with decreased appetite is to eat small portions, but often. Apart from ensuring that your calorie needs are always met during typhus, eating small portions but often can also prevent nausea due to eating too much. So, eat 3-4 bites every 1-2 hours.

3. Drink lots of water

Prevention of typhus complications can be done by drinking enough water. This is useful for preventing dehydration due to fever, diarrhea or vomiting when you are sick with typhus. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, or you can also drink fruit juice and warm soup.

4. Complete rest

Take leave from work and leave all activities when diagnosed with typhus. Because, if you want to recover quickly, you need complete rest. By resting, especially sleeping, cells and body tissues damaged by infection can be repaired quickly. Apart from that, complete rest can also prevent the spread of typhus to other people.

5. Maintain personal hygiene

While suffering from typhus, it is important to maintain personal hygiene, to prevent the spread and transmission of the disease. Make sure to wash your hands after going to the toilet, before eating and preparing food, with running water and soap.

If you don’t do this, you can spread bacteria to other people or objects around you that you touch. As a result, other people may be at risk of contracting typhus.

6. Take medication according to the dosage and schedule

Apart from carrying out the home treatment steps described above, it is also important to take medication according to the dosage and schedule given by the doctor. To treat typhus, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to fight bacterial infections, and fever-reducing drugs that need to be taken regularly.

If after doing home treatment, typhoid symptoms do not improve, you should immediately go to the doctor , so you can get further treatment.

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