Recognize Deep Heat and How to Relieve It

Recognize Deep Heat and How to Relieve It

Recognize Deep Heat and How to Relieve It – The term deep heat must be familiar to your ears. Deep heat is often associated with discomfort in the throat and pain when swallowing. However, does internal heat need to be treated medically? Let’s get to know what inner heat is and how to relieve it.

The term deep heat is actually unknown in the medical world. This condition is also not actually a disease, but a group of symptoms from diseases in the throat or early symptoms of viral or bacterial infections.

According to the science of traditional medicine, internal heat can appear when a person consumes too many foods processed at high temperatures, such as grilled and fried meat, or certain foods such as durian, chocolate, or strongly spiced foods. However, this has not been scientifically explained.

Deep Heat According to Medical

According to a study, the symptoms of deep heat that appear are also known to be related to inflammation in the body. Some diseases that are commonly associated with symptoms of heat include:

Acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI)

Heat as a result of IPA generally begins with symptoms in the form of itching, pain, and heat in the throat . In addition to throat complaints, ISP is also often accompanied by sneezing, nasal congestion, cough, and fever that usually lasts for 2-3 days.

Throat irritation

Hot symptoms due to throat irritation are similar to symptoms that appear due to ISP. Throat irritation can be caused by exposure to air pollution, consumption of hot food or drinks, or excessive use of voice such as shouting or laughing loudly.

Stomach acid rising (acid reflux)  

Deep heat that leads to acid reflux often appears in the middle of the night while sleeping or in the morning when waking up. The symptoms are sometimes accompanied by a feeling of heat or pain in the heartburn and tightness in the throat.

How to Relieve Deep Heat

Not all are hot in referring to a disease that requires treatment with drugs. There are several things that can be done at home to relieve the symptoms of internal heat, namely:

1. Get enough rest and avoid exposure to smoke

Make sure you rest enough to strengthen immunity so that the body can fight germs.

Also avoid exposure to smoke, such as cigarette smoke and vehicle smoke, which can aggravate the discomfort in the throat. If you have to be in a place with a lot of smoke, use a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

2. Drink water

White water can moisten the throat and prevent dehydration. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks that can cause the body to experience dehydration more quickly . You can also drink warm water mixed with honey to make your throat more comfortable.

3. Gargle with salt water

Gargling with a mixture of warm water and salt can also relieve symptoms of internal heat . This mixture can be made by dissolving ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

4. Consumption of food that is comfortable in the throat

To make the throat comfortable, you can consume warm soup and ice cream. In addition, green tea and fruits , such as mangosteen and watermelon are also believed to be able to relieve symptoms of internal heat.

5. Use herbal medicine

Some herbal medicines are known to be useful for soothing the throat and are generally packaged in the form of sweets or herbs. However, medical research that explains the work of herbal medicines is still very limited.

Therefore, you should consult a doctor first before using herbal medicine.

6. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

If the symptoms of deep heat that are felt lead to the rise of stomach acid, it is best to avoid eating large amounts before going to bed. Arrange mealtimes, so that mealtimes are not close to bedtime.

If you are overweight, try to lose weight , because this is one of the factors that increase the risk of acid reflux. Avoiding stress, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages can also prevent the appearance of deep heat caused by acid reflux.

You can apply the various methods above to ease complaints of deep heat. However, if the symptoms do not improve, it is best to immediately check yourself with a doctor so that you can be given the right treatment.

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