Oily food is dangerous for health, is it true?

Oily food is dangerous for health, is it true?

Oily food is dangerous for health, is it true? – He said, frequently eating oily food has the potential to cause various chronic diseases, one of which is heart disease. Therefore, many people end up avoiding this food. However, is it true that oily foods should not be consumed at all?

Oily food cannot be separated from the Indonesian culinary world. It’s not surprising that various foods, such as fried foods , fried chicken and fried rice, are many people’s favorites. Even though this dish really pampers your taste buds, you still need to be aware of the health risks that lurk.

You see, oily foods contain high calories and fat, and some of them even use a lot of salt. If consumed too often, you are at high risk of experiencing various health problems.

Safety of Eating Oily Foods

The oil contained in oily food doesn’t just come from cooking oil, you know . Many other ingredients also have the potential to release oil during the cooking process, for example coconut milk, meat fat, chicken skin, chilies and peanuts.

These ingredients are rich in nutrients and have health benefits if consumed in moderation, for example coconut milk . Coconut milk contains protein, iron and magnesium which can control blood cholesterol levels and prevent damage to body cells.

Likewise, chilies are known to contain many vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as peanuts which are high in vitamin E and antioxidants.

So, actually consuming oily food is okay, as long as it’s not excessive. If you suddenly want fried food, it’s okay to eat 1 piece of fried food to satisfy your taste buds. Likewise, if you have a desire to eat curry, it’s okay if the portion is limited and not consumed every day.

In essence, there is no problem consuming oily foods, the important thing is not to exceed the daily fat consumption limit. The recommended daily fat limit is 5 tablespoons or the equivalent of 67 grams per day.

Dangers of Consuming Fatty Foods

The body still needs oil or fat to dissolve certain vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. However, the oil is only needed in small amounts, yes.

If fat intake exceeds the recommended limit, unused fat will later be converted into body fat which can accumulate in the stomach or blood vessels.

If body fat increases, the risk of disease will be higher. The following are several health problems that can occur if someone consumes too much oily food:

  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • StrokesDiabetes
  • nes
  • Cancer
  • Parkinson’s disease

That’s why many say eating oily food is dangerous. One thing you need to remember, consuming oily food in moderation is not immediately a problem if your body is healthy.

However, if you have certain conditions, such as sore throat, acid reflux disease , high cholesterol, and heart disease, you are advised to avoid oily foods. Because oily foods can worsen the symptoms and disease.

How to Prepare Healthy Oily Foods

Apart from limiting portions, the processing method also determines whether oily food is good or not for your body’s health. The following are some healthy tips that you can apply if you want to eat oily food:

  • Try making your own fried foods, coconut milk dishes, or stir-fries at home.
  • Don’t use cooking oil repeatedly, just enough for 1 cooking time.
  • Use coconut oil as a healthier option for frying food at high temperatures.
  • Make sure the oil is hot to a temperature of 176–190 o C before frying,
  • so that the oil does not seep into the food.
  • Choose olive oil for sautéing food rather than palm oil.
  • Choose foods that contain healthy fats, such as salmon, sardines , avocado, peanuts and almonds.

It’s clear, oily food is not completely dangerous. As long as it is consumed in moderation and accompanied by balanced nutritious food, oily food can still pamper your taste buds without making you feel guilty.

So, to stay healthy even if you occasionally eat oily food, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor about a diet that suits your health condition.

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