Consuming too much soda can trigger this disease

Consuming too much soda can trigger this disease

Consuming too much soda can trigger this disease – Jakarta – When you visit a fast food place, you will definitely find fizzy drinks. Soda and fast food have become a typical combination. The sweet taste and foaming sensation in the mouth make soda drinks more attractive than other drinks.

Even though it tastes sweet and refreshing, especially when sipped on a hot day, soda drinks are not good for your health. Especially if you consume too much. The habit of consuming soft drinks can trigger diseases, such as:

1. Obesity

The first health problem that stalks soda lovers is obesity . This was confirmed in research results published in the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health in 2007.

Fizzy drinks have a high sugar content, even four times higher than regular sweet drinks. If consumed too often, it can increase the risk of being overweight or obese. In fact, obesity is the root of many other serious diseases.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

Having a fairly close relationship with obesity, excessive consumption of soda can also indirectly cause an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. The link between excessive soda consumption and type 2 diabetes was revealed in a 2010 study, entitled Sugar-sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta Analysis .

This research proves that excessive intake of fructose sweeteners can cause insulin resistance. That is why consuming soda with very high sugar content increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A recent study, which looked at the link between sugar consumption and diabetes in 175 countries, also showed that every 150 calories of sugar consumed per day (the equivalent of a can of soda) increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 1.1 percent.

Therefore, limit your consumption of soda and replace it with refreshing but healthy drinks, such as infused water or fruit juice without sugar. Apart from that, it is also important to check blood sugar levels regularly, especially for those at high risk of diabetes.

It’s easy, just download the Halodoc application , then order a laboratory examination service . Lab staff will come to your address at the time you specified.

3. Osteoporosis

Excessive consumption of soda can also cause bone damage and brittleness, you know. If bones are brittle and damaged, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. So, why can fizzy drinks damage bones? The phosphoric acid contained in it is quite high. Please note that phosphoric acid is a substance that can damage bone tissue.

Soda drinks can also damage bones by inhibiting calcium absorption by the body. In fact, calcium is a nutrient needed for bones and teeth to stay healthy. So, it can be said that the more often you drink soda, the more calcium your body cannot absorb.

4. Kidney Disease

The high levels of fructose in soda can also cause kidney disease, such as kidney failure and sepsis. This can also be made worse if it is not balanced by drinking enough water.

5. Insomnia

Apart from sugar, soda also contains aspartame. These substances can trigger sleep disturbances at night or insomnia. If this continues, it is not impossible that the risk of depression and neurological disorders will also increase.

6. Tooth Damage

Just like bones, teeth require adequate calcium intake to stay healthy. However, fizzy drinks can inhibit calcium absorption in the body. As a result, tooth decay can occur. Starting from porous, cavities, caries, to imperfect tooth growth.

7. Gout

Uric acid levels in the body can also increase due to the very high fructose content in soda drinks. Then, if the uric acid level in the body is too high, the symptoms that can be felt are pain around the joints. If you have a previous history of gout, drinking soda can cause symptoms to recur.

8. Heart Disease

Excessive sugar intake has long been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. This was also proven in research in 2012, which was published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health .

This research focused on 40,000 respondents and found that those who consumed sweet drinks every day had a 20 percent higher risk of experiencing or dying from a heart attack, compared to men who rarely consumed sweet drinks.

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