How to Treat Hand Cramps, Numbness and Tingling

How to Treat Hand Cramps, Numbness and Tingling

How to Treat Hand Cramps, Numbness and Tingling – Hand pain and tingling are often considered normal. However, if it recurs frequently, this problem can hinder your activities. The following is how to deal with hand cramps, numbness and tingling.

Changing body position

One of the causes of cramps, numbness and tingling is nerve pressure and muscle tension, due to poor body posture. There are many activities or habits that can unknowingly put pressure on the nerves in the hands. For example, writing, typing, carrying heavy objects, or being crushed while sleeping. Vary the position of your hands so that they are not stressed by one position for a long time. For example, taking breaks when writing or typing, changing sleeping positions, and carrying heavy objects alternately with the right and left hand.

Enough rest

Sleep is an important process to help heal tense nerves and muscles, because the body will make natural repairs while you sleep. In most cases, resting the tingling hands and feet and increasing the hours of sleep can help relieve this condition on its own.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy can help increase the strength of the muscles surrounding the damaged nerve. The stronger the muscles, the less pressure on the nerves, so that the tingling can subside and not reappear. For the hands, there is no need to do difficult therapy. You can practice lifting weights using large bottles of mineral water to strengthen your arm muscles. Meanwhile, to relax the nerves and muscles in the palms of your hands, you can squeeze a stress ball.

Cold or warm compress

Tingling can also be caused by inflammation. Compressing hands that are crampy, numb and tingling with cold or warm compresses alternately can help relieve the inflammation .

Apart from the steps above, you can also relieve pain and tingling due to daily activities by consuming NEO rheumacyl Neuro . Contains Ibuprofen which relieves muscle nerve pain, aches, cramps and tingling as well as Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 which can maintain healthy nerves. NEO rheumacyl Neuro makes your activities free of cramps, numbness and tingling!

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