Here’s How to Reduce Fever in Adults Without Medication

Here's How to Reduce Fever in Adults Without Medication

Here’s How to Reduce Fever in Adults Without Medication – “There are several ways to reduce fever in adults that can be done without having to take medication. “For example, by drinking lots of water, consuming fruit, getting enough rest, sunbathing in the morning, and resting at room temperature.”

Jakarta – Fever does not always mean you are experiencing a specific disease. Fever could be because the body is fighting against viruses/bacteria that have entered the body, and fever is a form of the body’s defense.

Even though fever is part of the body’s immune system, if the temperature increases, you need to be careful. So, in an effort to help the body’s immune system work, there are several ways to reduce fever that can be done. Want to know anything?

How to Reduce Fever Naturally

There are several things you can do to reduce fever without medication. Examples include drinking lots of water to sunbathing in the morning.

1. Drink lots of water

Drinking more water can help reduce fever in adults without medication. When you have a fever, the body is susceptible to dehydration, water can restore lost fluids while neutralizing the increase in body temperature.

To provide comfort, you are advised to drink warm water. For example, warm sweet tea or ginger water can help restore the body’s vitality.

Please remember, if the fever doesn’t improve, there’s no harm in taking fever-reducing medication. Read this article: ” These are the 5 Most Effective Recommendations for Adult Fever Reducers .”

2. Consume fruit

Fruits that contain vitamin C, such as watermelon, mango, oranges, are effective in increasing the body’s immunity. Vitamin C is highly concentrated in immune cells and is quickly depleted during infection. That’s why when you have a fever, you need to eat lots of fruit to replace the lost vitamin C.

3. Get enough rest

Adequate rest can help the body fight incoming infections and restore the body’s vitality. Sleeping with a blanket can also help remove sweat, thereby returning body temperature to normal.

4. Rest at room temperature

If you have a fever, you should rest at room temperature. Because if you rest in a room that is too hot, you will be hot and uncomfortable while resting.

Likewise, if you rest in a room temperature that is too cold, it can make you shiver. Ideally, rest at room temperature with good air circulation. Fresh air is good for restoring health and reducing fever.

5. Sunbathe in the morning

Even though rest is an important part of reducing fever, lying down all day will only make the body weak. You need to get up occasionally, especially when eating, changing clothes, and in the morning to sunbathe.

It doesn’t take 10 – 15 minutes to just sit on the terrace, breathe fresh air and be exposed to sunlight. This helps to reduce fever to some extent. That is information about how to reduce fever in adults without having to take medication.

Call this doctor if the fever doesn’t go away

If the fever doesn’t go away, it’s a good idea to immediately contact a doctor at Halodoc .

So, here are some recommended doctors that you can contact because they have quite a long experience and good ratings from the patients they have previously treated:

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