What is Cancer??

Cancer is a non-communicable disease characterized by the presence of abnormal cells/tissues that are malignant, grow rapidly uncontrollably and can spread to other places in the patient’s body.

Cancer cells are malignant and can invade and damage the function of the tissue. The spread (metastasis) of cancer cells can occur through blood vessels or lymph vessels.

Cancer cells can originate from all the elements that make up an organ, and in the following journey grow and multiply to form a tumor mass.

There are more than 100 types of cancer, such as breast cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and many others.

Abnormal cell growth to form tissue is called a tumor. There are two types of cancer, namely dangerous cancer and benign cancer (tumor).

How to Avoid Cancer?

Here are 10 ways to avoid or prevent cancer, namely;

Avoid Tobacco Consumption

Avoid consuming tobacco in any form, whether actively smoking or inhaling exposure to cigarette smoke. Active smokers and passive smokers tend to be more susceptible to disease. Remember that in cigarettes and cigarette smoke there are 100 types of compounds that can trigger cancer

Managing Eating Patterns

Regulating your diet is known to prevent the emergence of cancer. Make sure you choose healthier and more nutritious foods. Avoid consuming excessive amounts of saturated fat and red meat which can increase the risk of colon cancer and prostate cancer. Try replacing it by consuming fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

Regular Exercise

Doing physical activity or exercising is known to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Exercise in women can also reduce the risk of breast cancer and reproductive cancer. A researcher found that exercise can reduce and increase the body’s immune system. Regular exercise can also reduce fat accumulation which is one of the trigger factors for cancer.

Maintaining Weight

Excessive amounts of calories can cause various types of diseases. Meanwhile, to reduce the number of calories, a person can do it with regular exercise. Excess fat or obesity can cause long-term inflammation and increased insulin levels. This causes the body to be unable to work in a balanced way to fight viruses that cause cancer.

Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can cause mouth cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer. If someone consumes cigarettes and alcohol simultaneously and excessively, it will increase the risk of developing malignant types of cancer.

Avoid Excessive Radiation Exposure

Avoid ultraviolet radiation in the sun which can increase the risk of melanoma, skin cancer, melanoma and skin cancer.

Avoid Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals

Avoid exposure to dangerous chemicals originating from industry or the environment. For example, asbestos fibers, benzene, aromatic amines, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These substances can increase the risk of cancer.

Reducing Contact that Causes Transmission of Infection

Try to reduce contact with other people who contribute to transmitting hepatitis viruses, HIV, and human papillomavirus. These viruses can increase the risk of cancer in the body. Many people who are infected can increase the risk of developing cancer in the body. Many people become infected after having sexual contact or through contaminated needles.

Maintaining Sleep Quality

Maintaining quality sleep needs to be prioritized. Poor sleep quality is often associated with weight gain, which is a contributing factor to cancer.

Taking Vitamin D

Many experts recommend consuming 800 to 1000 IU of vitamin D a day. Evidence suggests that vitamin D may help reduce the risk of other cancers. However, this needs to be balanced with a healthy lifestyle.

How to Detect Cancer Early?

How to avoid cancer can be done by early detection of cancer by undergoing several tests or examinations by a doctor. Apart from medical examinations, make sure you change your lifestyle to be healthier, such as consuming healthy food, exercising regularly, and improving sleep quality.

Ways to prevent cancer include:

Screening Test

Screening tests can be carried out regularly or periodically. Screening tests are known to be able to detect breast, cervical, lung and colorectal (colon) cancer early. This will be beneficial for sufferers so that they immediately receive special treatment from a doctor.


Vaccination can help reduce the risk of cancer, such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine which helps prevent cervical cancer and several other types of cancer/hepatitis B vaccine can help reduce the risk of liver cancer

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