Eat Chicken Every Day, Be Aware of the Risks

Eat Chicken Every Day, Be Aware of the Risks

Eat Chicken Every Day, Be Aware of the Risks – JAKARTA— Chicken meat is widely considered to be one of the most versatile types of protein. It is true that people tend to use chicken in many food preparations.

Apart from being easy to prepare, chicken is also the most preferred lean meat for daily needs. Chicken contains a lot of protein with less fat than red meat.

Even though chicken is known as one of the healthiest meats besides fish, nutritionists prohibit consuming it every day. Too many chickens can also cause several health problems. “This not only causes weight gain but can also have dangerous effects on the heart,” said the report, as quoted from the Times of India page, Thursday (11/5/2023).

Eating too much chicken can also cause poisoning in some cases. Here are some of the main reasons why this meat should not be consumed every day.

1.Too much protein

Ideally, around 10 to 35 percent of daily calorie intake should consist of protein. Eating too much protein causes the body to store it as fat. This means increased weight gain and leads to increased blood lipid levels. Munching on a large piece of chicken every day will contribute to the majority of your protein intake, so make sure to keep an eye on it.

2. Risk of heart disease

Eating too much chicken can cause higher cholesterol levels. It’s not surprising that it’s linked to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, eating chicken and other products rich in protein indirectly increases cardiovascular problems or health problems that can lead to death.

3. Difficulty maintaining weight

Consuming too much animal protein such as chicken can make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. According to several reports, when compared with vegetarians, people who consume chicken meat every day tend to have a greater BMI.

4. The possibility of food poisoning is greater

Handling chickens is always a hassle. If you haven’t cooked the meat thoroughly or by chance, vegetables come into contact with raw chicken, you may be exposing the food to salmonella or campylobacter . This bacterium is well known for its adverse effects on the human body, as it can cause severe illness. It is especially important for vulnerable groups of people, such as the elderly, children and pregnant women, to avoid this type of contamination at all costs.

5. Higher chance of antibiotic resistance

It has become common practice among poultry farmers to introduce antibiotics to their livestock. By eating this chicken, humans can then become immune to these antibiotics. Of course, this poses a very real risk when it comes to infections and people having to take antibiotics. It’s possible that the medication isn’t working as well as it should.

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