Don’t overdo it, here are a series of side effects if you consume durian too often

Don't overdo it, here are a series of side effects if you consume durian too often

Don’t overdo it, here are a series of side effects if you consume durian too often – Jakarta. Its delicious taste makes many people not want to stop eating it. But there are side effects to be aware of if you eat too much durian.

The delicious texture of the fruit flesh is said to make it difficult for those who enjoy it to stop eating durian. Even though it is a healthy fruit, eating durian in excess can also cause side effects.

Reporting from various sources, Saturday (11/11/23), the following side effects are felt when consuming too much durian, including:

1. Digestive disorders

. Durian is said to be a fruit that has high fiber content. The fiber in durian will be visible when you eat a durian and see thread-like fibers in the flesh.

Even though fiber is needed to maintain digestive health, consuming too much is also not recommended. Durian residue that accumulates in the stomach can cause excessive gas production, constipation, and even diarrhea.

So consumption of durian is only limited to two servings or four durian flesh. This dose is a safe limit recommended by nutritionists and health consultants.

2. Allergic reactions

Many people are crazy about the sweet and delicious taste of durian. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that allergic reactions may occur after consuming durian.

The natural ingredients in durian fruit can trigger allergies even in durian lovers who don’t have food allergies. Several symptoms can be felt as side effects of durian allergies.

For example, nausea or a suddenly runny nose that is difficult to stop. It’s best to be careful if you experience unusual symptoms when consuming durian.

3. Sore throat

Not only is it called the king of fruit, durian is also said to be a hot fruit. The heat that arises from durian can affect the body, especially the digestive parts that come into direct contact with durian.

Many people complain of symptoms such as an itchy and dry throat after consuming durian. To prevent these symptoms, make sure to meet your body’s hydration needs when and after eating durian.

Many people also believe that consuming water from the skin of the fruit can help neutralize the aroma of durian. But make sure to drink clean mineral water without any additives to prevent dehydration due to hot durian.

4. Increased weight.

Fruit is usually considered a healthy food that is recommended for dieters. But durian fruit is not recommended for consumption when on a diet.

Durian has a high calorie content so it will interfere with controlling calorie intake. Even one durian seed weighing around 40 grams can provide a calorie intake of up to 56 calories.

Meanwhile, one large durian seed weighing around 80 grams contains 113 calories. Due to its high calorie content, nutritionists only recommend that 2-3 durian seeds be consumed at one meal.

5. Triggers hyperkalemia.

Reported by Siloam Hospitals, hyperkalemia is a condition in which potassium levels in the blood increase beyond normal limits. One durian fruit can contain up to 436 milligrams of potassium, which is too high to consume.

Normally, potassium levels in the blood are only around 3.5 – 5.1 millimoles per liter. When potassium levels are too high, the kidneys have to work harder to clear potassium and control levels within normal limits.

If conditions like this continue to occur, the consequences will trigger kidney health problems. Health experts always warn about the importance of continuing to drink water during and after consuming durian.

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