Causes of Blurred Vision and Dizziness That You Should Be Aware Of

Causes of Blurred Vision and Dizziness That You Should Be Aware Of

Causes of Blurred Vision and Dizziness That You Should Be Aware Of – Jakarta Dizziness is actually a fairly common condition experienced by many people. Usually dizziness occurs due to stress or other things. Dizziness can also be said to be a fairly mild condition and can be treated by yourself. Dizziness can be treated using OTC (Over the Counter) drugs or can also be done with enough rest.

Dizziness can also be accompanied by various other symptoms, such as blurred vision. This condition is also quite common. However, dizziness accompanied by blurred vision must be treated immediately before it gets worse.

Before knowing how to overcome it, first know the cause of the flashing eyes accompanied by dizziness. Here are the causes of flashing eyes and dizziness that you experience.

1. Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar can cause someone to experience blurred vision accompanied by dizziness or headaches. This condition is also commonly experienced by people with diabetes or people who are undergoing insulin treatment.

In addition, excessive exercise and the habit of delaying meals can also cause hypoglycemia which causes blurred vision and dizziness.

This is because when blood sugar is low, at the same time the availability of glucose in the body will also decrease, causing brain function to not be optimal.

2. Anemia

Anemia occurs because hemoglobin in a person’s body decreases, even though hemoglobin has the task of carrying oxygen throughout the body. When you have anemia, the hemoglobin that is responsible for carrying oxygen to the brain also cannot perform its function, which ultimately causes dizzy eyes accompanied by headaches or dizziness

3. Lack of rest

When you don’t get enough rest, the organs in your body will be forced to work extra hard so that the function of these organs decreases.

This condition triggers symptoms of blurred vision accompanied by headaches. Therefore, adequate sleep and rest are important and you need to pay attention to them.

4. Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure can also cause someone to experience a condition of blurred vision and headaches. This usually occurs due to dehydration, heart health problems, vitamin and folate deficiencies, and bleeding.

5. Heart Problems

Dizziness accompanied by headaches can also occur due to abnormal heart conditions and this condition is called arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is a heart problem that occurs when the heart beats very fast or conversely, very slow.

If you experience blurred vision accompanied by dizziness or headaches that last quite a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Later, the doctor will provide a diagnosis and treatment so that the condition you are suffering from will improve soon

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