This is what will happen to the body if we don’t eat vegetables

This is what will happen to the body if we don't eat vegetables

This is what will happen to the body if we don’t eat vegetables –

Vegetables are a food ingredient that has many benefits for the body.

Apart from being rich in fiber, vegetables are also full of vitamins and antioxidants.

But unfortunately, some people actually avoid eating vegetables, for reasons of negligence or because they simply don’t like the texture, taste and aroma of the vegetables themselves.

So, what will happen to the body if we don’t eat vegetables?

In full, this is what will happen to the body if we refuse to eat vegetables:

1. Skin becomes dull

Quoted from HealthShots, vegetables contain quite high levels of nutrients or antioxidant compounds. These antioxidants are useful for preventing and reducing acne and redness.

This happens because antioxidants help the skin avoid free radicals from the surrounding environment during activities.

Therefore, if someone does not eat vegetables, their skin is at risk of becoming dull and even causing a number of diseases.

2. Nails and hair become damaged

Vegetables contain vitamin A, vitamin E, biotin, iron, and other nutrients that maintain healthy nails and hair.

These nutrients have their respective roles in maintaining the health of body parts.

So, if the body lacks nutrition from vegetables, nails will become brittle and hair will fall out easily.

3. The risk of developing chronic diseases increases

Reporting from LiveStrong, many cases of death throughout the world are due to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

If someone does not eat vegetables regularly, they can significantly increase the risk of developing one or more of these diseases.

On the other hand, consuming vegetables can help prevent or at least reduce the risk of developing this disease.

This is because vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and minerals which enable the body to increase its immunity.

In addition, vegetables also contain phytochemicals that are equally good for reducing the risk of chronic disease by helping neutralize unstable substances called free radicals that can damage the DNA in your cells and increase the risk of cancer.

4. Intestinal problems arise

Vegetables are one of the highest sources of fiber that a person can eat.

So, if you don’t eat vegetables, a person could lack the daily fiber requirement of 25-28 grams.

If you don’t consume enough fiber, you increase your risk of bowel problems, such as constipation, diverticulosis, and hemorrhoids.

It doesn’t stop there, lack of fiber intake is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer.

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