Know Ways to Treat Nerve Damage

Know Ways to Treat Nerve Damage

Know Ways to Treat Nerve Damage – Jakarta – Nerve damage or neuropathic pain are various problems that can cause disease or injury to a person’s nervous system . This disorder falls into the category of pain syndrome and is not a single problem. Neuropathic pain can originate from nerve or brain damage related to disease, infection, pinched nerves, nutritional deficiencies, injury, and medication side effects.

It is estimated that around 50-80 percent of the total number of people with diabetes will experience some kind of nerve injury. In addition, around 30-40 percent of people with diabetes have diabetic neuropathy which can cause pain, unless preventive measures are taken such as nutritional support.

A person experiencing nerve pain will experience symptoms, such as burning, prickling, or a sudden electric shock. Additionally, nerve damage can disrupt a person’s life at home and at work. This can limit your ability to do activities.

As time goes by, someone who suffers from nerve damage will feel irritated. It is said that people who suffer from nerve damage have higher rates of sleep problems, anxiety and depression. While nerve pain cannot always be cured, it can be suppressed with the help of medication.

Pain Arising from Nerve Damage

The pain that arises due to nerve damage can vary from person to person. This depends on the severity of the nerve damage, the location of the disorder, and other medical factors. You may feel less or greater amounts of pain than other people with the same disorder. Symptoms that occur range from mild tingling sensations, burning, and unbearable stabbing pain.

Nerve Damage Treatment

Someone who has nerve damage can take over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs (ibuprofen). The drug may be helpful in certain cases, as it rarely relieves severe nerve pain. Try to discuss with your doctor about consuming other medications.

You can also do natural treatment to eliminate the nerve damage that has occurred. The drugs consumed can cause side effects over time. Try to use natural remedies that do not cause side effects and overcome the pain that arises. Here are some of these natural remedies:

Apply Pain Relief Oil

Over-the-counter concoctions such as creams containing capsaicin can be rubbed directly onto the most painful areas. This will burn at first, but is said to reduce pain and inflammation. Creams containing lidocaine can help numb the area, but the effect is temporary.


It is stated that massage can reduce the impact of nerve damage. Massage can help you manipulate and mobilize the feet and legs of the area affected by nerve pain and reduce discomfort. Massage can also release tension and promote relaxation.


Acupuncture is performed by attaching thin, metal needles to certain points on the skin or body. This can relieve the nerve pain that occurs. The needles can change the flow of energy and can help release endorphins, the body’s natural pain reliever. Be sure to see a certified acupuncturist to ensure the best and safest treatment.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is the treatment of choice for managing chronic nerve pain. When done regularly it can relieve nerve pain by strengthening weak areas, increasing range of motion, and teaching how to move to reduce discomfort.

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