Know the Importance of Maintaining Mental Health and 5 Ways

Know the Importance of Maintaining Mental Health and 5 Ways

Know the Importance of Maintaining Mental Health and 5 Ways – Based on records from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the number of mental disorders experienced by Indonesian people reaches 20%. This means that 1 in 5 Indonesians have mental disorders. Unfortunately, this problem is still not taken seriously by most people.

In fact, mental health is as important as bodily health. Because a healthy soul can certainly make someone more productive. In fact, mental health can also affect physical health. Most people who are optimistic have healthier hearts and can even reduce the rate of disease progression. Other factors, such as life satisfaction and happiness, were associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease regardless of factors such as a person’s age, socioeconomic status, smoking status, or body weight. So, it’s time for you to know the importance of maintaining mental health. Check out the information below!

What is the importance of maintaining mental health?

Mental health is a term that describes a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. The way a person thinks, feels and acts is greatly influenced by his mental health. When mental health is maintained, a person will find it easier to handle stress, relate to other people, and make choices.

At every stage of life, it is important to maintain mental health, from childhood, adolescence, to adulthood. Maintaining mental health is very important to stabilize behavior, emotions and thoughts. Here are some important benefits of maintaining mental health:

  • Improves mood
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Feel more peaceful
  • Think more clearly
  • Improve relationships, both with yourself and others
  • Increase self-esteem

How to maintain mental health

Now, you know the importance of maintaining mental health. However, how can you take care of your mental health? Here are some ways to do it:

1. Respect yourself

Respecting yourself means valuing your overall well-being and happiness. When you value yourself, you provide unconditional support and care for yourself.

Respecting yourself can be done through the willingness to fulfill personal needs. These needs can be simple, such as eating even though you don’t want to eat, bathing even though you don’t want to get out of bed, and so on.

Respecting yourself is considered an important aspect of maintaining mental health. Because, this is associated with increased happiness and greater life satisfaction.

2. Manage stress

Not all stress is bad. However, long-term stress can cause health problems, such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression. By managing stress, your mental health is more likely to be maintained. Try to manage stress by exercising every day, setting aside time for yourself, maintaining your diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding alcohol and drugs.

3. Socialize

Try to socialize more, especially with people you trust. Socializing with someone you trust, whether a friend, family member, or colleague, can help maintain mental health. You may feel better if you can openly share what you are experiencing with someone who cares about you.

4. Set realistic goals

Goals will help you increase motivation and create the changes you desire. Setting realistic goals can help improve your health and relationships with others, including increasing productivity at work. In maintaining mental health, there are several realistic goals that you should implement, namely:

  • Practicing self-love (appreciating and loving yourself).
  • Take care of and love your body (for example by exercising regularly and eating healthy).
  • Take the time to implement
  • Find new ways to manage stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • Get support (from friends and family or by starting therapy).

5. Don’t be embarrassed to consult a professional

Stress, anxiety, and feelings of sadness are part of everyday life, but if you experience these emotions constantly, it may be a sign of something more serious. Having negative feelings is normal, so don’t be embarrassed to consult a professional if you feel like you can’t cope with the stress you’re facing, can’t control your emotions, or depression is interfering with your ability to live your daily life. Remember that you are not alone, and there are things you can do to maintain your mental health.

Now, you understand better the importance of maintaining mental health and ways to do it. From now on, if you want to consult about psychological and psychiatric problems, such as severe depression, insomnia, or other mental problems, don’t hesitate to go to a psychologist and psychiatrist.

One of Prudential Syariah’s products, PSS Plus Pro Syariah , will help provide protection for you to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. That way, you can maintain your mental health without having to worry about burdensome costs. Also make sure you follow Prudential Syariah Facebook and Instagram so you don’t miss the latest updates regarding sharia insurance. Also contact the Prudential Syariah Customer Line at (021) 1500 577. PT Prudential Sharia Life Assurance is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority.

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