How to Prevent Prostate Cancer Through These 5 Things

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer Through These 5 Things

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer Through These 5 Things – Jakarta – The prostate is an organ located just below the bladder. The main task of this organ is to make semen. Like other body organs, the prostate is also susceptible to health problems, one of which is prostate cancer . In fact, this health disorder is said to be the second largest contributor to death rates in men.

Meanwhile, the risk of prostate cancer tends to increase in men as they get older. Other factors that play a role in the risk of prostate cancer include obesity, genetics, bad smoking habits and unhealthy eating patterns.

Easy Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Unfortunately, there is no definite way to prevent prostate cancer. Even so, if you look at medical and health guidelines, diet has a big role as a way to prevent prostate cancer. Preventive steps you can try are:

1. Limit Fat Intake

A healthy diet and proper diet can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Limit your intake of foods high in fat, such as oily foods, ready-to-eat foods, some dairy products and meat. Conversely, you can replace high-fat foods with various low-fat foods. This is like salmon, avocado, or almonds.

2. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables

Apart from that, increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. The vitamin and mineral content in fruit and vegetables can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Not only that, consuming fruit and vegetables regularly also helps improve overall body health.

For example, green vegetables contain compounds that can help the body break down various carcinogens or cancer triggers. This substance is also a cause of prostate cancer. Then, consuming fruit also helps protect the body by increasing antibodies.

3. No smoking

Apart from triggering health problems in the heart, lungs and throat, the bad habit of smoking can also cause prostate cancer. So, you should stop this habit to avoid these various health threats.

4. Exercise regularly

Being overweight or obese is associated with a high risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, you are also advised to exercise regularly apart from maintaining your diet. Not only that, exercise also helps increase muscle mass and body metabolism.

Some recommended exercise options are swimming, running or cycling. However, you can also do sports or other physical activities to make it more varied. Do it at least every day for 30 minutes to get maximum results.

5. Increase Vitamin D Intake

Who would have thought that inadequate intake of vitamin D in the body increases the risk of various health problems, including prostate cancer. Therefore, ensure that the body’s daily vitamin D needs are met by consuming foods high in vitamin D, such as mushrooms or salmon.

Apart from that, you can also use morning sunlight as a natural source of vitamin D. Sunbathe for at least 10 to 15 minutes in the morning sun every day. The best time to sunbathe is 08.00 to 09.00.

So, if you feel symptoms that point to prostate cancer and want to have an examination, you can choose one of the three recommendations from an Oncologist below.

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