Here are 3 ways to prevent stroke that must be followed

Here are 3 ways to prevent stroke that must be followed

Here are 3 ways to prevent stroke that must be followed – Stroke is a dangerous disease that you must avoid. Based on data from the World Health Organization or WHO, stroke is one of the main causes of death in the world. At least around 15 million people suffer strokes worldwide every year. This figure certainly triggers concern for many people. For this reason, you must know how to prevent stroke from an early age.

Understanding stroke and its types and symptoms

Stroke is a dangerous disease. This disease is characterized by reduced blood supply to your brain so that its performance becomes impaired. Stroke is a clinical condition that needs to be treated immediately so that brain cells do not die in a matter of minutes. If this is the case, a stroke can cause disability for the sufferer.

Many causes of disability originate from this disease. The reason is, in the early stages of stroke symptoms, you will find it difficult to speak and experience paralysis in certain body parts. This is because a stroke usually attacks the performance of your five senses and body. A severe headache followed by nausea and wanting to vomit can also be a sign that you are experiencing early symptoms of a stroke.

Stroke itself is divided into two types, namely, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs when the arteries become narrowed. Finally, the blood supply which carries various nutrients and oxygen decreases. Meanwhile, hemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain burst and cause bleeding. This bleeding is triggered by various factors, for example hypertension, weak blood vessels, or undergoing certain medications.

Common causes of stroke

In general, there are several causes of stroke. The following are common reasons why a stroke could happen to you.

1. Have risk factors

The first cause is that you have a disease that has a risk of developing into a stroke. For example, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, genetic factors, and a history of heart disease. If you have the disease, you have a factor that causes stroke.

2. Excess weight

Next is obesity or the condition of being overweight. The chance of stroke increases in those who are overweight. The reason is that the performance of the heart in a body that is overweight is not optimal, so it cannot pump blood to circulate throughout the body properly.

3. Rarely exercise

The most common cause of stroke is lack of exercise. Exercise has many benefits for the body. By exercising at least 30 minutes a day, you can burn the fat that causes obesity. Heart performance will also be better because when you exercise, the heart will be triggered to pump blood better. Therefore, people who rarely exercise are more susceptible to stroke.

4. Smoking and consuming alcohol

Lastly are bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. The ingredients in cigarettes and alcohol can trigger a buildup of fat in the arteries of the neck. Apart from that, blood is also prone to thickening and even freezing so that circulation will not run smoothly. Sadly, those who don’t smoke, but are exposed to cigarette smoke, are also at risk of stroke.

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The right way to prevent stroke

Certainly no one wants to suffer from disease, let alone a stroke. For this reason, know how to prevent stroke by doing the things below!

1. Live a healthy lifestyle

The first way to prevent stroke is to live a healthy lifestyle. Pay attention to your food consumption. Avoid foods that contain too much oil or red meat because this can trigger a buildup of fat in the blood. Also avoid bad habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol.

2. Exercise regularly

Apart from that, make it a habit to exercise regularly. As mentioned previously, exercise has many benefits for your body. By exercising regularly, your heart’s performance will improve, moreover, exercise will burn excess fat stored in the body.

3. Check your health regularly

The final step is to carry out regular health check-ups . Maybe, you don’t feel like you have any problems, but the blood in your body could be saying something different. When you have a health check, your blood will be checked to see if you have risk factors for stroke, for example high cholesterol and hypertension. Routine health checks can help you find out whether you are free from the risk of stroke.

That’s how to prevent stroke that you can do early on to avoid this dangerous disease. Always take care of your health by applying these methods to avoid strokes which can threaten your health. Pay attention to other dangerous diseases such as diabetes, you can read the following article to find out how to prevent diabetes . Also make sure you have insurance services from a trusted company such as Prudential which can provide the best protection solutions. Through the “Made For Every Family” campaign this year, Prudential Indonesia is committed to protecting families in Indonesia more broadly, not only for nuclear families but also for extended families so they can live healthier and more prosperous lives.

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