Body Excess Protein, These Are the Consequences

Body Excess Protein, These Are the Consequences

Body Excess Protein, These Are the Consequences – Protein is an important nutrient that plays a role in the process of forming and repairing cells and body tissues. However, excess protein is also not good for health. So, protein intake needs to be adjusted to the recommended amount.

Bone, muscle, and skin tissues, as well as various organs of the body are mostly made of amino acids, which are substances resulting from protein metabolism . In addition to forming body tissues and cells, proteins also play a role in the production of enzymes and various hormones in the body, such as growth hormones. Therefore, the body requires a large amount of protein intake.

However, you are also not advised to consume excessive protein because it can have a negative impact on health. Too much protein intake is thought to affect the metabolic process and make the kidneys work harder.

Recommended Daily Protein Intake

If the body’s protein intake is lacking , a person can experience several signs and symptoms such as hair loss, susceptibility to infection, the body taking longer to recover when sick, and malnutrition due to protein deficiency or kwashiorkor.

Therefore, the amount of daily protein intake needs to be met to keep the body healthy. However, the recommended daily protein intake varies from person to person, depending on age and gender.

The following are recommendations for daily protein intake according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019:

  • Children aged 1–6 years: 20–25 grams
  • Children aged 7–9 years: 35–40 grams
  • Teenagers: 60–75 grams
  • Adults: 50–70 grams
  • Pregnant and lactating women: 70–85 grams

The recommended daily protein intake can also vary from person to person depending on their level of physical activity and health condition.

People who are advised to consume more protein are athletes, the elderly, and people who are recovering from injuries or illnesses. However, protein intake may need to be limited or reduced in certain conditions, such as when the body experiences damage or impaired kidney function.

To meet your protein needs, you can eat protein-rich foods, such as lean meat, chicken thighs or breasts , eggs, nuts, fish, cheese, milk, or protein supplements, if needed.

The Impact of Excess Protein on the Body

Although a lack of protein is not good for the body, excess protein can also potentially cause health problems. Here are some of the effects of excess protein in the body:

1. Ketone buildup and bad breath

Replacing carbohydrate-rich foods, such as rice, with too much high-protein food or going on a keto diet can cause the body to experience a condition called ketosis .

This condition can cause ketone chemicals to build up in the body, causing bad breath. In addition, the buildup of ketones can also harm the kidneys.

2. Weight gain

A high-protein diet can help you lose weight in the short term. However, the long-term effects of this diet can actually increase your weight because the excess protein will be stored as fat tissue.

This is more likely to happen if you eat high-protein foods that also contain a lot of fat, such as red meat or fatty meat. Meanwhile, for athletes or people who regularly train their muscles, a high-protein diet can increase muscle mass, so that weight also increases.

3. Kidney damage

In the body, protein will be processed into amino acids. The remaining metabolism of protein into amino acids will become urea which needs to be filtered and excreted by the kidneys through urine.

This is why high protein intake can make the kidneys work extra hard. Therefore, people with kidney disease are generally advised to limit or reduce protein intake to prevent further kidney damage.

4. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Animal protein intake that comes from red meat, fatty meat, or offal also contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol.

Therefore, consuming too much high-protein food from animals can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

5. Loss of calcium

High protein intake can cause the body to excrete more calcium. Reduced calcium levels in the body have been shown to cause brittle bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

In fact, it is not only the amount of protein, but also the source of protein consumed that needs to be considered. Experts suggest choosing protein intake from several sources, both animal sources such as fish, and vegetable sources such as nuts and grains.

Although excess protein is thought to be associated with an increased risk of several diseases, further research is still needed to examine the general impact of excess protein on health.

To ensure that your protein intake is sufficient, neither too little nor too much, follow a healthy and balanced diet. However, if you have a certain disease, consult a doctor to find out the amount of protein intake that suits your condition.

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