Actions that can be taken to help overcome ISPA

Actions that can be taken to help overcome ISPA

Actions that can be taken to help overcome ISPA – Jakarta – ISPA , aka acute respiratory infection, must be treated quickly. Because this condition can trigger discomfort and even interfere with daily activities. This condition occurs because there is an infection in the respiratory tract which is characterized by symptoms of cough, cold, and fever. The bad news is, this disease can spread very easily, especially to children and the elderly.

Therefore, it is important to know what actions can be taken to help overcome ISPA. That way, the symptoms of the disease can be treated before they get worse and the risk of transmitting the virus that causes infection can be avoided. So, what actions can be taken to help overcome ISPA? Find out the answer in the following article!

How to Overcome ISPA Symptoms

ARI is a condition that causes inflammation of the respiratory tract , including the nose and lungs. Generally, this disease is caused by a virus attack. ARI can heal by itself without special treatment. However, it is important to know how to treat ISPA so that the symptoms can subside and transmission of the virus to people around you can be avoided.

There are several ways to deal with ISPA that can be implemented easily, including:

  • Get plenty of rest, so the body can quickly recover and fight infections.
  • Drink lots of water, this is important to help thin the phlegm. so it’s easier to remove.
  • Apart from water, try drinking warm water with added lemon juice and honey. This drink can help relieve cough symptoms. For children, prevent ARI in babies with these 4 ways .
  • Gargle with warm water with added salt. This mixture can help relieve symptoms of sore throat in ARI.
  • Steam therapy at home, namely by inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water. Mix in a few drops of eucalyptus oil to help relieve nasal congestion.
  • Take medication if necessary, but make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.
  • Take precautions. This is important so that ARI can be cured quickly and does not become more severe.

There are several preventive measures that can be taken so that ISPA does not develop into something more severe, namely:

  • Always wash your hands with soap and clean water, especially after activities outside the home.
  • Prevent transmission of the virus by avoiding touching your face, especially your eyes, mouth and nose before washing your hands.
  • Increase your consumption of healthy nutritious foods, especially vitamins. This food can help increase the body’s endurance.
  • Do regular physical activity, especially sports.
  • Quit smoking. Apart from smokers, here are 7 people who have the potential to be affected by ISPA .

Get vaccinated. This is important to do to help prevent infections that can trigger disease. Several types of vaccines that can be given are MMR, influenza and pneumonia vaccines .

If the symptoms of ARI do not improve or get worse, you should immediately go to the hospital for examination. This is important to help detect the cause of the disease and find out the appropriate medical help. As first aid, you can use the Halodoc application to talk to a doctor via Video / Voice Call or Chat . Convey your complaints and get tips for dealing with ISPA from experts. Download Halodoc here!

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