Fatmawati Orthopedic Center Asked to Be Able to Attract Executive Patients

The Indonesian Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin inaugurated the Fatmawati Orthopedic Center (FOC) Fatmawati Hospital (RS), Jakarta, on Friday (2/2/2024). FOC or orthopedic center is an executive service for orthopedic problems developed by RSUP Fatmawati.

Fatmawati Hospital FOC, which is equipped with professional human resources, infrastructure and sophisticated medical equipment, is expected to be able to provide quality and international standard orthopedic services. “Hopefully this can be an example for all other vertical hospitals in Indonesia,” hoped Minister of Health Budi G. Sadikin.

FOC offers superior services such as spine (spine), arthroplasty (joint surgery), arthroscopy (joint examination), pediatric and limb reconstruction (pediatric reconstruction of arms and legs), oncology (cancer specialist), and hand (hand).

FOC is also equipped with seven integrated operating rooms or Modular Operating Theater (MOT). FOC is supported by 16 specialist doctors divided into 8 sub-specialist divisions, namely spine consultant, knee consultant, hand and microsurgery consultant, foot and ankle consultant, hip consultant, pediatric orthopedic consultant,

leg lengthening and reconstruction, shoulder and elbow consultant , and cancer consultant. This executive service is expected to increase executive patient visits thereby increasing hospital income. This increase in income can be used for three things.

First, improving the welfare of hospital human resources such as doctors and nurses. “Many people say, ‘wow, the Ministry of Health’s hospitals will become capitalists?’ Second, improve services by allocating increased income to purchase the most modern health equipment.

“If we are profitable, we will invest in buying robotic hips, robotic spines which are not available in other hospitals,” he said. Third, provide subsidies for BPJS Health patients in hospitals. “The three most important ones will be used to subsidize BPJS patients because we know that for many complicated patients, the BPJS cover is still below the cost.

“Well, we will cover that with profits from executive wings (services),” continued Minister of Health Budi Acting Main Director of Fatmawati Hospital dr. M Syahril said that the Fatmawati Hospital FOC was developed by making improvements to existing infrastructure.

Currently, FOC has outpatient services with 3 examination rooms in the Griya Husada Installation Building, inpatient services with 8 VIP inpatient rooms, 7 prime surgical operating rooms specifically for orthopedics, and 16 orthopedic specialist doctors.

FOC or Fatmawati Hospital orthopedic center is designed to be a center of excellence in treating bone and joint health problems, and involves a medical team that is trained and experienced in this field.

“We are also equipped with the latest medical equipment and advanced technology to support an effective and efficient treatment process,” said Dr. Syahril This orthopedic center aims to provide integrated and holistic treatment for patients, from diagnosis to rehabilitation.

“Here, we provide various types of orthopedic treatment such as bone and joint surgery, non-surgical treatment, physiotherapy, counseling and other support services,” said Dr. Syahril. With the inauguration of the Fatmawati Orthopedic Center (FOC), Fatmawati Hospital is committed to continuing to improve the quality and accessibility of orthopedic health services for the community.

Veronika, one of the guardians of patients seeking treatment at FOC Fatmawati Hospital, revealed that her reason for choosing Fatmawati Hospital was because the services and facilities were very good and had competent orthopedic doctors.

“I prefer Fatmawati because there are orthopedic doctors who specialize in children, the facilities are good and comfortable and the staff are also friendly. “The place is also nice,” said Veronika.

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